I had somewhat of a breakthrough and now i can pretty much do anything on a small level but i can only affect people. i can use anykind of kinesis but only on others and not objects. i can warm people up, make em cold, make em heavy or light and slightly shock people with electrokinesis. my question is why can't I affect non living things.I can't even budge the psiwheel. is it some sort of biokinesis?
thanks, i also seem to be especially good at electrokinesis but only on others, my next question is about people who have never done any work with energy are harder to yeild results on. my brother though who has been able to see auras since birth can easily feel and slightly see what i'm doing.
how can i affect someone that is less receptent? (if that's how you spell it)do i simply need more energy?
there's this rare ability where people can be a catalyst for opening the potential abilities for others. I suppose you could do that on a subconscious level to work it on other people.