Help me. Latly things have happened. Psychic things. I would think off something and 5-20 minutes later some thing would happen relating to it. Heres a example; out of now ware I was singing the How the Grinch stole Cristmas Whoville song you know Dos su dor'e... 10 minutes latter I heard on the radio an add for How the Grinch Stole Cristmas(with the song sung in the Background). So far ithis phanomana happened 15 times this week.
P.S. It just happened
De-ja-vu-I used to have De-ja-vu once every 2 months but it has happened more frequantly and when it happens I can see what is going to happen 15 minutes into the future and I am 100% accurate.
see the same thing happends to me. If i say something it most definately comes true. Of course it does still have to be something that could happen. And You cant increase it or decrease it you can only ride it for information. Oh and watch out for waking visions there a real bitch during class.
If you have knowledge on chakras then i suggest you practice training your third eye.there's hundreds of methods for doing this and you will notice later on that the range of time will get further between your preminitions. i have the same symptoms with stuff that i've seen on tv. if you have a random song pop into your head like the one before, hold on to it and see if you actually hear it again that day.usually when it's a song you'll hear it that day. spoken from experience and sorry for the long reply.
I also have preminitions ore what you might call it but it is very wage for me. I mostly get them in my dreams ore i jsut get were ever i am standig but it is like a movie for me i don't stop up ore something like that i see it while my sences still picks up what is going on in real life so i don't stumble ore something. It is more like i see it in the back of my head. Mostly if i touch a kenetic i can see what kind of poweres they have ore i just know it. Most of my poweres are bitches but you i don't think you can avoid thesel visions and gain controll over them like that but i not sure i am just 15 years and my poweres are overwhelming for me even if i have known about them for 4 years
deja vu happens 2 me like all the time but never anything big jus like i see some1 trip and fall and i only notice that its happened in my dreams like wen its happenin