Because i do it all the time now.. i found out that i have 6 or 7 live national news channels on direct tv. I can make people so incredibly uncomfortable its unbelievable.. i know moraly its wrong but If i could use this power for good, which i have been, I think its alright.. plus its extremely fun and good practice too. Im gonna go do it.
thats not fun it is cruel. what kind of people embaresses people on live television with out them never have done anything to you but if you use this power for good then that is great
yeah. i havnt done it lately because ive been feeling kind of bad about it. but if i see someone i dont like then they've got it coming. it is fun but after a while u start to feel bad.. and sometimes you'll hit the wrong people because you get stuck in the state of mind. chance seems to be a good outlet for pk for me. the better chance something has of happening, the easier it is to do. i cant really explain how to do it though. ive been doing it in small, subconcious, quantities my whole life.
Norules, do what you want with your gift, YOU know what's right or wrong, so ta hell with what else everyone else says. If it brings you pleasure to "mess with people" do it, if it makes you feel "bad", then do not (what's with people and these "morals" , are people not smart enough to know what to and not to do?)
I agree with Sandman. If it makes you feel good, then use your ability for whatever reason. But if you're worried about karma or anything, then whenever you do mess with others, balance it out with a good act. I mean, once I get better at my pyrokinesis, then I'm just going to have fun with it. And of course, I'll help others out as well. But other then that, those that deserve it, are going to be in for a suprise.
I've caused a whole building to burn down before, no one died, nothing bad happened to me. Karma is a load of crap to me, good and bad are just words, I'll be damned if I let someone tell me something they have no evidence behind. Destruction and Rebulding are the real "good" and "bad", harmony and chaos are just part of nature. I'm usually the latter, but hey i'm true to myself.
Well, if that's what you have to do sandman, then you gots to do what you gots to do. I believe in karma, so I will always balance. Just like an alchemist balances the equation in transmuting.
people are smart enough to know what is good and wrong but not always so you help them out with giving them advice to a direction and then is there choice. But having powers are not a walk on rose it has limitis and responsebility's. If some one messes with you then it is okay for that you take reveng but not always. You can talk ore fight normaly with out using your gift i do admit that i have used my powers for reveng but not many time i just make it windy ore throw paper at people but what you do with your gifts it is your choice and no one can affect that.(and sandman the talk of moral is for people best interest so they don't get in trouble and hurt somebody. Have you ever thought what kind of feelings you would have if somebody died in that fire you made maybe you should think about that) But it always come to what you but you should remember that your actions have consekvenses for you and other's around you.
oh...I've killed some people, and no one will everrrr know it's me. It was actually an accident, but people must die, just the way it is, I just move on with my life, cuz frankly, I might not have even done it, according to skeptics. Seems the more powerful people get, the lower standards and morals they have. Also, please use spell check every now and then, I had to read your post 3 times to understand it.
I certainly don't want to experience the afterlife you've chosen for yourself. Even idiot dictators in despotic foreign regimes eventually pay for abuse. Enjoy it while you can. It might also behoove you to remember that there is always a bigger alligator in the pond too.. BTW, people have asked me, after finding out about my hypnokinesis abilities, how and why I don't abuse them. Guess its the way I was raised, or maybe its because I care about my fellowman, or perhaps I just don't want the bigger alligator to have a snack. For whatever reason, including religious beliefs.. "G'luck, you gonna need it"
The_Sandman wrote: oh...I've killed some people, and no one will everrrr know it's me. It was actually an accident, but people must die, just the way it is, I just move on with my life, cuz frankly, I might not have even done it, according to skeptics. Seems the more powerful people get, the lower standards and morals they have. Also, please use spell check every now and then, I had to read your post 3 times to understand it.
-- Edited by The_Sandman at 16:39, 2007-01-01
Nice rationalization for doing something you don't wish to own up to, IE, take responsibilty for. It was NOT an accident, if you were indirectly or directly responsible for harming someone through your own actions; it was, in legal parlance, NEGLIGENCE.
Sandman you see that many people agree that with power comes great responsibilities. You are right that death is a part of life But you say that people can't trace it back to you and that is right that they can't. But you will always know that you have done that cuz it is your ability and frankly i don't think it is easy to life with your self knowing that you harmed some one. And you more powerful you the better you understand your ability and the thing about the guilt it does not go for every one.
Im sure he's got a good explanation. and if not, whatever.. who cares. I dont, the dead person doesnt, theres no such thing as god so i doubt he cares. and for you people that believe in karma.. maybe it was just his time to die.
true, it could have been his time to die, but still, we are not the ones to do it. We are not gods, nor devils, nor death. We are nothing more then just flesh, bone, and blood with alittle advantage. We have no right doing deaths work
Actually as humans we have all the right in the universe to do what we want. Yes, moraly its not nice but morals suck anyway.. Morals are what kepts so many people from discovering psychokinesis in the first place.
Ok look Sandman you are one sick puppy. I know there are some people that I would like nothing better than to Choke them until they stopped breathing but I wil bet you anything you will either die in a fire or in a drowning incident. And if there was any justice you would already be dead, but unfortunately that is not up to me. Someday you will have to deal with those poor peoples lives you ended.
I find it amusing that you all put the blame on me. I didn't burn the buildig down, as a matter of fact no one was hurt in the fire. And how gullible are you to think that I'd really kill someone because I feel like it? When I die, it's probably gonna be at the hands of some white devil so I'm really not even concerned about that. All these personal attacks don't affect me because you don't know me you don't know what I can and can't do. Anyone can lie on the internet, you wide-eyes probably need to learn the art of skepticism.
Stooping now to racial intolerance and predjudice, are we? My, you DO have an interesting future and a lot of negative energy building up! White devils.. where do you live, the "progressive" mideast??
FIRST of all, this isn't even about race, so stop changing the subject, I wasn't even talking about any of you, second of all I live in the south!! I get called ****** everyday!! Third, get back on topic because you're wasting time, and you all completly avoided what my post was originally about.