I can stop winds dead in their tracks but thats all i can do and i'm not completely sure how i do it. does anyone have some specified techniques or methods for aerokinetics?i'm a master empath but i don't understand how to use it for other kinetics.
i have problems dealing with my empath: if i sense some peoples emition like happiness espacially a girls i start to giggel when they do and if somebody is streching i start to at the exact time pluss if i see somebody is feeling sad ore something like that i just have to help them even if that person has been a jerk to me. So can somebody tell mes what to do? And I do agree that you should try channling your åpower through your hands to make the aire chang dirraction but i can do that and just think of it happen and it does but i have to use my hands to stopp the air i can't do that whit my mind
2 words my friend. Psychic. Shields. That'll solve your empathy problem so long as you regulate what you keep and throw away.It's like a spam/junk mail folder for your brain.