Firstly anyone can develop into a kinetic, but some people may genetically have the right faculties that allow them to more easily access and use (intentionally or unintentionally) those abilities.
and as for you being a mutant, of course you are a mutant, infact every single person is a mutant to some extent, see if we all werent mutants then we would all look the same and we wouldn't exist for long as a spiecies due to imbreeding :), however it would rather be said that you may have the right mutations nessisary to be a natural kinetic/psionic.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
Ya i think ill go with that one. The above average homosapien. Oh and one other quesiton do you need to metitate. I can just focus lightly and i can get movement from telekinesis.
do what ever works best with you... i simply use a self engineered breathing pattern.
the only reason to do this (from my perspective) is to clear your mind from distractions that would prevent you from being able to reach the state of mind nessisary to use your abilities, ultimately you could through mental excersises like meditation and self hypnosis train your self to be able to enter these states of mind with very little or no preparation, almost like the way you raise your finger... you dont need to put much thought into it, if at all you will be thinking of the outcome you want to happen by the movement of your finger :) but in all i think to begin with its best to focus on training your mind, then once you have mastered that to some degree move on to simply desiring an out come that would happen by using your ability (manifestation of intent).
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
Oh one other odd thing. when i have a nightmare things move now. Big things like desks and book shelves. In sleep i think i reach a state of mind where my natural abilitys suface. One other trigger ive noticed is adrenaline. if i am in a scary or enraging event tings will shake and fall over.
sounds cool, but u might wanna learn some control over those abilities of yours... one day you could unintentionally cause harm to someone or yourself, even though leaving them to grow naturally is the easiest way of making your abilities stronger.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
not really, I have trouble from time to time with that my self...
however, one day when I was reading something about using the hands to heal another person I began visualising it as I read it, suddenly my hands felt a sort of tingley warmth, so I stood up and placed my hands close to each other, I could feel a relatively strong repulsion between my palms, so this gave me an Idea.. I visualised a friends body that I would be healing infront of me, and I placed my hands above the body's chest and began to "make" energy flow out of my hands as if to go into the visualised body... i then turned my palms to face each other, I could feel the repulsion already, so when I pushed them together I felt them repel, but strangely when I pulled them appart I felt them attract...
so then I started thinking about electro magnets in physics.... and thought what if i think to draw force from my left hand and expell from my right... this negated the force between my hands (strange but it worked) then I drew force from both and found that they attracted (so in this case like attracts like, and at the same time like repells like, like and unlike would negate) I did this for a while... then I couldnt do it again for a while (got sapped by this point).
later on the next day I applied this to a psi wheel and found that It would be even more responcive than before, I combined this with a breathing pattern and found I could make the wheel spin quite fast ... for a short time
-- Edited by Nightmare at 16:52, 2006-09-18
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death