Hey, I have a question. Ok, someone told me that I might be a hydro/cryokinetic, which would make since, since I like the cold and I like water, and since almost most of my personality is that of a hydrokinetic; but I have to ask this; does it mean that I'm a thermokinetic because not only can I cool my body, but I can also raise it's temperature, and I have a little thermometer in my room and I can increase it anywhere from 1.6 degrees to 2.4 degrees farenheit. Now, is this possible because I'm a thermokinetic, the raising and cooling of my body and raising the temp on my thermometer, or is it just something else, that is non-psionic related? Any information would help.
I think the best way to find out is to experiment, dont take the personality profiles too seriously because those are only the most common or likely trates of the particular kinetic in question (so not always 100% true).
As for finding out what exatly it is you do, here's a little experiment:
1)get your thermometer make sure that the room you're working in has no radiators on or anything that can change the temperature (this gives you more accurate results).
2)once you are certain what temperature the thermometer is resting on, write it down.
3) now make what ever preparations that you feel are neccesary.
4) begin buy trying to raise the temperature of the thermometer whilst not holding it, make sure that you are at a distance from it so that your normal body temperature doesnt affect the experiment (like 50cm preferably... but what ever you feel comfortable with), then write down the temperature change and the time it took for the temperature to change, do this about 5 times and compare the changes in temperatures, as for the times, average them out so that you can see how long you would take to raise the temperature, also avarage the temperature so you can say: "on average I can raise the temp of a thermometer by X degrees in X seconds" you should aim high in your attempts to raise the temperature or you will most likely result in miniscule changes.
5) do the same thing for decreasing the temperature.
6) try doing both... increase the temperature and then let the temperature return to normal then decrease the temperature (you might want to do a graph for this one)
Finally analise your results, if you arent sure make a website and scan them onto it or post them here so some one can have a look. you must also state how far away you were from the thermometer. after doing each test 5 times you can try doing them again with a different distance.