hello this is misterchainsaws friend cause i cant get the e-mail anyways here is my story
I belive i am cryokinetic because as the site says "Cryokinetic’s tend to be able to adjust their temperatures as to better tolerate cold to extreme freezing temperatures. Most individuals cringe at 30 to 0 degree temperatures while a Cryokinetic wouldn’t substantially cringe until into the negative zeros." I can be in -10 degrees to 40 degrees in a t-shirt and pants in the -10 im not cold and in the 40 i dont even break a sweat
I also belive i may posses some hydrokinetic abilites because my element is water i heard that can help i am very close to water i have nearly drowned twice and when im in it i am still calmed and i match the personalities and traits almost perfectly. Some things that have happed to me is that when i was drowding for the second time (lol) i was gettin wiped around for like 5 minuts and i could fell the water slowing down this was at sauble falls when the water was moving very fast but when i git iyt u couldent breath.
Sorry for the long post but i try to be clear. One thing that is prolly not realated but when i dont think about my breathing i dont seem to do it.
p.s if can please have my account ativated the name is nojix.
I do not advocate locating an individual or institution who will tell you beyond a doubt you do or do not have a specific ability outside of several years of direct observation. Any individual or body in which claims they are able to do so are not reputable. You are the only individual who can specify whether or not you have an ability through gaining control over that said ability and performing it on command. This site is predominately for those in which are having difficulty with their known abilities and are having extreme difficulties with extreme side effects. This site and forum was not created to certify abilities.