First I must Say I did not go looking for Paranormal info. I discovered this site by looking for info on migraines. I found the page about Aereokinisis, I read your basic traits paragraph and for good or bad it fits me to a T. My question itself is the trait info and the other info, where does this come from. How do I know what is here is good useful info and not DnD traits out of a book. I apologize if this is harsh but I really am interested and kind of frightned. Second, If I do fit the profile besides practicing should I see someone like a psychic, mentalist, or healer? Would this indeed help. Thirdly, why does aereokinisis have traits and the other abilities do not? If this was under control do you think it would help my migraines? 3-4 times a week since I was about 10, I am now 30. Thank you for the time anyone spends on answering me. S
To start, Telepathy does indeed have the identical personality traits as Aerokinesis. I would suggest starting there at square one and then working your way up to such combination abilities as Aerokinesis. Where do I acquire my information on Psychokinetics and Psychics? I acquire any and all of my information concerning psychokinetics and other individuals with other abilities via long-term direct observation, in other words first hand. If any questions arise in which I have not learned first hand I will either not comment on the question or mark it as purely speculative. ( ) I thoroughly recommend not seeing any form of psychic or reader in the case of your ability or migraines. Migraines can be helped and calmed by healers, but if you do indeed have a form of telepathy control may be your only way to remove the migraines in their entirety for in this case only the healers may have to have you come back continuously through out the remainder of your life. Some abilities do not have traits yet for I either have not gotten around to it for the site is fairly new in origin, or traits of other abilities may apply in which is stated somewhere on the page (exp. Atmoskinesis is a compilation of the traits of pyro,aero,geo, bio, electro, and hydro.) If you indeed have the ability and it is not in control the control of this ability could remove the migraines from your life. Keep in mind it takes some many years to develop the rate or level of control I speak of so I would strongly recommend seeking out other options while working on this one. As to your question as to believe in the integrity of the information found on this site the most I can say is if you scour through the site you will find other reputable information in theoretical psychics, metaphysics, archeology ect.