Ok I was just interested to find out if anyof you have had a "poltergeist" side effect as a side effect of training or changing your training. The reason I ask is that I recently changed my training style and last night a perfectly stable (off) fan got thrown over in my living room which woke up the people in my house this is not the first time I have experienced this sort of effect and was interested to hear if anyone had any similar experience.
Well there have been times when I would see something close to me while im moving and i think dont let it fall over and it fals over and I can actually feel it fall
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Dawkins is talking about it also everyone uses it to some level. Everything is connected on a quantum level therefore detached non judgemental awareness gives rise to a sort of esp Extra sensory perception when you allow the truth of the information to flow through you without the inner dialogue and judgement the more you do this the more truth becomes apparent eventually you may become aware of every single energy movement around you giving rise to instantanious event prediction and action to said event if oyu choose lucas ripped off the idea for jedi powers however zen and many other meditative disiplines have made use of the unified field and its unbiased truth through recorded history.