My girlfriend knows about my Empathy and such but no one knows about me blowing up except 1 girl who I told because she deserved to know. 2 I dont think my brother is getting his abilities back I think they are starting to become permanent because they are becoming more automatic.But I think it really has nothing to do with her or anything else for that matter but yet it dose. I think the main factor is that I need to control my abilities and I cant let my emotions take control thats what I belived caused me blowing up in the first place. But If I dont find out how to prevent myself from exploding then yeah there will be a heavy aftermath, but I just hope nothing bad happens because Today I realized just how powerful my ability can be and Im going to try everything in my power to learn to control my emotions as well as my ablities I will have that time seeing as I have all weekend to do so.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
You can't just look at your self in this matter. There are plenty of factors but since you are a empath you shouldnt' use that ability to much for now cause some emotines are to hard to handle sometimes like death(even thou i experinced that emotion in a dream it will be much harder to controll your self in a wake state).
Maybe you should spend some more time with your mom cause it seems she knows more about this stuff. i am only 16 years old so i am not that expericed even thou i have had most of my powers since i can remember. I would advise you to tell you mother about the dream and about how yor brothers sbility's are starting to manifest them self in you. Cause you wrote that you mother told you about them maybe she could help since i can' talk about my powers with my family i have close friends who i can talk to and you have you family that might help minimazing the pressuer on you.
knowing what we do about Heroes the tv show this sounds very much similar like the script however you dreamt about it before it aired. So your precoging tv hmm or the writers theres always many conections to be made however the important thing would be to start reccording these precog dreams there is always a reason this stuff is shown to us you need to work that out for yourself its potentially a cue to develop your precog abilities. Good luck
The second one is the long story and actually sometimes I have ideas and later on they r used by people such as I drew a drawing about a year ago and I was on the internet and that same drawing looks like a card used on the tv show yugioh gx but this explosion its different and i am currently working with Dawkins to try and decipher it because theres is more behind it than i think i believe. My personal life isnt being mized with tv either lately ive been exercising my empathic abilities and trying new things and one of yjem I think is working but subcounsiously im using my family members powers.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well it doesnt surprise me a true empath does not close them selves off from the info others give unless its a conscious effort. There is no reason if you are open to it that you can not learn the abilities of others. The only one that really can put that limitation on you is you. Thats what i beleive anyway. As for the tv thing I have had the experience of dreaming about movies before they have been made. which is why i thought of that. I wonder are you disiplined enough to get a dream journal for the good ones?
I close myself off uncounsiously but I can open up at will if Im closed of I cant close off by myself yet the reason I think I get other abilities is something I do called Relation when I basically become that person and I experience what their life is like and when its over I take a peice of them with me in this case the abilitie to do what they can by understanding their ability at first I did this uncounsiously but the past halloween I had an incident whenI bumped into a person and uncounsiously did it and I started mimicing their accent uncountrolably and it felt like my entire self had been changed and it occured a bit for that night then eventually stoped now it randomly happens but I cant recal it on my own after that incident I tried to see if what happened was related to my powers and the same night I tried it counsiously on my girlfriend and it worked. And as far as abilities go I probaly have the aabilities of anyone in my family and ones of people that im not aware of and none of the abilities I can counsiously recall well in a manner of speaking at first they were subcounsious but now they are at a level of semi awareness I preform them but Im not aware of doing it but at the same time I am. But my Emapthic abilities I can completely control them counsiously. As far as the dream journal goes I should start one but lately I havent had any weird dreams except lastnight I was a vampire but that might have been because I was thinking of a good vampire movie before I went to sleep.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Yeah, there are energy vamps. or "psipires/psipyres". I won't believe that a person's energy can be manipulated by someone else until I experience it myself, though.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Are you serious Archaem? Youve never been around someone who is constantly negative? You start the conversation positive and you walk away from it feeling negative. They are more common than you think even if they dont know they are one. I suspect you have been "drained" before and didnt even realize thats what they were doing. They are the people that feel better by bringing others down. Ok mabe its not a psi vamp but def an energy vamp and once you are aware of what to look for its so easy to shut them down before they can really get thier "teeth" into you metaphorically speaking. Then you also have the reverse when they are in the room they generate energy. The best way to see this is at a club or function. Im not sure if its psi or whatever. But I have a buddy that generates and its amazing to see the effect on people.
Averted it with a mixture of control and whats probally the biggest cataclyst to not just kinetic abilities any thing thanks to alot of outside help from Dawkins.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well for now at least Im not experiencing the sensation but the energy that was present Its still hangin around I named it though aloong with the other 3 colors of energy I have (My energy has alternating colors and I think effects due to what type of mood im in)they are black blue and white and the one that was with me when I exploded in my dream was red lately my mom says she can see it but like I said not really worried about it because I think I prevented it from hapening.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well yes and No I mean why would It be fated for me to kill mass amounts of people hence why It was stoped and I dreamed of the way to stop it I just idnt know exactly how it would come about
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
I think something are fated to happen but something can always change the fate in some degree. That's why people have free will. They have a situation and they have to find what they are going to do about it.
Like i dreamt about a friend i had in 6th grade. And the things that happend in the dream stayed with me so for 2 day i tried to find that friend( most because i think he was a kenetic) but no luck. On the 3 day it turned out that my friend from the 6th grade found me. And know we talk like we have always been friends. So thats what i think. Cause there are some preminitions that you can avoid.
no but white is one of my alternate energy colors why *I have four red blue black n white depending on my mood and such the enrgy tursn colors and have different affects white is supposed to be purification not exactly good though) Why?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
In 2 of my future dreams, i see an explosion. The explosion itself is very bright and white and in these dreams i feel like im the only one who can stop it. Alot of people die and the explosion expands bigger like that big bomb in WW1 that made that big mushroom cloud.I dont know if you live in New York but i know it happens in New York. It also waits for about 5 or 6 seconds, sort of liek sucking up energy and pulling everything close to it (by like 2 feet) and pushing everything away, then it explodes killing everyone. its starts out yellowish, but then turns into a very bright pure white. The_Fifth_Star where do you live? We need to speak more about this