Hmm ok. I just try and be as thourough and detailed as I can on the reverse when I have tried to be simple about it I am often misunderstood. I only try and provide as much detail as possible so as to give a more complete picture. I think this may alienate others. I will think and ponder on this. Thank you both for your insight.
Look, if anyone went public, with all that is going on in the world we would be instantly weaponized. People would be like "he can set things on fire with his mind hey maybe we could use this in a war." No Real good could come of it. Pretend you are a military officer, what are you going to do? Leave the people alone or force them to "Help" you?
true but what are they gonna do bring a sad person in so ill start crying lol I can just say his situation sucks so bad im crying cause he has nothing to live for
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Empaths make good interigators also those who choose to develop the inherant human emapthic ability can also deliver takeout insead of ordering... good in courtrooms and as negotiators (hostage) There are many jobs that empaths take and do even if they dont know they are one.
Hiding your abilities is all good and fine, until they decide we are going to offer to spare a really high level Telepath as long as they tells us who has abilities and who doesn't. Its like the patriot act for your brain. And if you can block him from reading your mind, you obviously have something to hide and therefore guilty.
Good point Punga but what if you could do like me and manage to wipe your mind for a few moments I know thta sounds dangerois but I dont think its had any negative effects on me
Yeah if we did do it in a large city it would be aa 2 sided coin
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
ooo i see and if they tried and messed with the wrong person i.e a good pyrokinetic its a crispy free for all then that inturn leads to a retaliation whihc leads to eventually war
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Not destructive anything that keeps you alive but as well aid you your not just gonna develope a kinetic ability to say hey I can do this you need to have some purpose because without purpose its meaningless
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Anyone with enough kinetic control can easily stop hearts beating and lungs breathing however I do not beleive the gift is awakened to that level in people that would do that there is a sort of circuit breaker in people who do those things just read up on what happened to Nina Kulagina
humm i see but when fear kicks in and complete anger you cant control your ability's very well or at all i know i cant but one day i hope to take full control but yea i think there is a breaker because i tried hurting someone but then i couldn't but i was sort ov angry but not completely overwhelmed but i see what ur getting at
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
Actually I can stop my lungs from breathing and my heart for a few seconds an I actually can use my powers for well you might see ti bad depending on your beliefs in kinetic powers but I see it as a good cause using one of my abilities I forced my teacher to recoke the detention he gave two kids for no real good reason
But fear actually improvvses the effectiveness of your aiblity and Ive fount that if your in a state of fear its easier to produce effects you supposedly wouldnt be able to that is according to the beliefs of the perosn who is nalyzing the situation
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would