Well nothing really I havent really "Empressed" any emotion on her but I can sence her emotions which sometimes I hate for private reasons but when I want to Empress an emotion i just force my self to recive the emotion and then i do a few other things and then the person starts to feel the same
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
oh well u seem alot more mature than 14 but oh well watever ya but ima try 2 do somethin 2morrow like meditating well maybe not meditating i dont like it
If you have done much work with the psi wheel (the bread and butter excercises) You may have figured out how to pulse your TK so as to only supply a small amount at a time or in bursts. I use my eyes as the reference and imagine those balls spidy shoots out his wrists only balls of psi at any rate if you can tk pulse. try training yourself using your empath skills to attach emotion to it then try to send it in small bursts its more refined and can have some interesting results in traffic. lol
Hey Shirak, you done yet? I mean, don't get me wrong, contributions are fine, but honestly, you just sort of plunkered in here and started spouting all this information. We don't know you, or what you can do, or how much you actually know, or whether or not you're thinking this stuff up on the spot based on what you 'think' you know. So, ease up a bit man, you're spouting stuff that's wayy ahead of most people here, and aren't going to understand what you mean.
As you were.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Hey I joined this forum to share ideas in the hope that I will learn more. I only write the truth about what I can do otherwise Id be talking fricken lazerbeams outa my eyes cause thats cool. I notice that you keep refering to your opinions as we. Everyone here is an individual and has their own opinion unless you are their appointed spokesman. You keep projecting all your insecurities on me and thats got nothing to do with my outlook on reality and has no will neither make me hate you or have bad feelings about you. I am impressed by insight into tk. I supply as much correct info as Ican in an attempt to find someone who trains everyday that is getting similar results. I am pointing my writings to individuals that may wish to or have similar inight that I do. I am training every day and dont se this as a hobby but a lifestyle. Whether or not someone can handle what I write is not going to stop me writing and sharing what I know. If you disagree with something that means you have a different insight to me it doesnt make you wrong or right good or bad it just makes you different. Different can be good if applied constructivly however I am not looking for forum fame money or even friends all I am looking for is insight. If I can share what I have experimented with daily then I will. If you dont accept it thats fine by me I really dont think any less of you or anyone else that does as this will not affect what I know to be true.
http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-3736938411770357510&hl=en-AU here is a link to a video I made about the pulse technique I described above a while ago I hope that this provides a better visual than my description. I have another which shows the technique slowed down with a metal wire device however I still need to upload it. I like the idea of developing telepathic suggestion, do you think a good way to practice this would be stand in a shoping center 2nd floor overlooking the lower floor and target the ones that look like they are wandering (no real intent)and send a suggestion that they sit or go in a shop? I might try that this weekend. I am sure I have been the victim of telepathic suggestion. Also many people have the ability to project fear into others. This is a form of mind control. Has anyone experienced this from someone else? I find a position of neutral/centred awareness allows these projections to to flow over me and not find grip. Does anyone else have a technique for fear based projections?