I have joined this forums for hope that someone will help me out.
about a week ago I saw shadows moving on the wall sort of like quicksilver only black, it was spinning around rapidly, and in my dreams i have been visited by shadowy figures that were indefinable every day since the first dream they have become more defined and now they have started asking questions whilst i sleep mostly nonsensical rubbish but some of it is understandable.
I thought this was just odd dreams until 3 days ago when I woke up the shadows would not leave and followed me, my head was pulsing as I could hear them all the time nonstop they seem to say the most "you did it", as of yesterday they seem to be able to make physical objects move as i locked the door turned around to see and it was open.
I cannot see them as they are only just viewable in the corner off my eye like the squiggly line of your eyelid.
My dreams are mostly of a stranger lurking on the the peripheral edge of as i can only describe it my "dream zone" it then says things that are mostly nonsensical but every so often as by luck it strings some words together that make sense, the most memorable being "its your fault"
first ov all afk? and second it could be that u astral project into the astral plain but u haven't any control over it but it could also be that u have an ability 2 speak 2 ghosts
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
Shadow people a type of un earthly sight I dont use unearthly in the context u might think i use it to label something not everyone can see or something that isnt common for people to see. I have a question is their a number to the people you see or is it just one?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
No i am able to see as many "shadow beings" who are in the vicinity or contesting for my attention as they try to outdo each other as if looking for my recognition.
Hi! i think what you might be experiencing is kinda like
Postcognition/Medium - This ability can help one to see what has happened in the past, or to see people who have passed on. Some postcognates can see ghosts wandering the earth in search for retribution or the chance to cross over and be at peace. Some also see spirits, ghosts that have passed on and want recognition, or are just wandering about with a loved one they watch over. Some postcognates can see Demonics and Angelic's as well, though the base of their gift lies with the dead.
sorry for copying something that was alredy on the site
umm ya idk if u still lookin at this but have u actually stoppped and tried 2 communicate with 1 of them? if theyre tryin 2 compete 4 ur attention maybe theres a reason 4 it idk though jus an idea
In days of old these we referred to as daemons. Today we refer to them as constructs. These are created from our subconscious and are usually imbued with Tk abilities a way for our inner wants and desires to manifest usually created by teenagers they have also been called poltergeists. As your mind begins to awaken to the possibilities of training you may manifest this type of construct. If this is uncomfortable to you all you need to realize is that it is you doing it and work on your tk control exercises. As you gain control and meditate you will begin to understand the base causes of said constructs. Through the will to understand you will find your own wisdom concerning these events you have already taken the first steps by asking questions and not sweeping this aside.
Hi I'm new here and just wanted to say I see shadow people as well they dont talk to me like they do you but ill see them walking around one time when I was driving one stepped out in front of my car I almost swerved off the road to avoid it
Many of you may have thought I had left with my tail between my legs...but alas that wouldn't be true, I've been lurking around the forums every now and then. So heres a catch-up of events:
About 2 weeks after Thing took a turn for the worse as these "shadow beings" developed an eerie sense of emotional burden...kind of like a shroud of unhappiness following me wherever I went ... a friend even commented without any prior information, he branded me "Mr Misery, bringing misery to the masses" which was to say the least a near perfect description of me at the time.
From there on things turned drastically worse as they developed what can only be called their own physicality, they began to interact with the nearby environment... and they didn't take their newfound ability lightly, things went missing, objects moved and my dog started freaking out whenever I went near ( they followed me, I could still see them)
A few nights after this I was plagued by a dream of a man who I could see plain as day but could never recall his appearance when I woke up (he appeared as one of the "shadow beings" when I tried to), well in this dream he sat there in front of me recalling everything I had ever done from birth to apparent death (Scary right...?), but even scarier he spoke saying I instead of you (or in 1st person).
Thats a shortened catch-up...the time line may not be correct but my memories been terrible these last few weeks (which is unlike me)
They are objects (human shaped) that reflect black light (if they work using the worlds natural science), because they are black and absorb all colours i can not make out any other details of them...kind of like your shadow.
If you meant on a more detailed scale they vary in height from child sized to adult and every shadow is a different shape eg: long hair, fat, bald.
961 You need to do research try psipog on what constructs are unfetered you will create a destructive force yo must learn control and disipline will you control the power or let the power control you. It is your choice the latter will shurly end in regret, insanity sadness. YOu are the master let not your fears manifest in `constsruct form be the the light within find yourself your will be done fear/love choose your nature and the rest will follow remember this . . .