From the very moment you make time travel mastery a real goal in your life travel to that point becomes possible. You can then safely alter every event after that without stoping yourself from deciding to learn understand what I mean? Whereas if you decided to become a travelor because of tradgety you could never go back to stop the tradgety because it was the catelist for making you learn it see what I mean?
This is actually what Superman does. All of Supermans abilities are telekinetic. The reason he can move so fast is that he dilates time around himself and whatever he holds. I am very interested in figuring this one out.
I agree with Archaeum I m a huge beleiver in the Multiverse and that our conciousness may be linked to all of them even if we cant access it yet. It is my beleive that should you see a future event and change the outcome you will create a new timeline the old one is not destroyed stop thinking finite and begin to comrehend infinite only then will time travel not make you go crosseyed. Well it worked for me anyway lol
yeah i know hes a cartoon but mathematics and the theories of maths are purly a human imaginatory construct that once imagined and given logic become a real thing out of the imagination onto the page our imaginations are the architects of the future and the creators of what can be. The idea of superman reached so many people mabe because it reminded them of what could be an ideal. All that aside The airplane started as a story and dreamand was extrapolated to what we have today. There is no reason with dedication imagination and knowledge one could not recreate the abilities of the marvelverse however i think with moderation so as not to go nuts. The idea of a tk sheild mixed with tachyons an unproven time travel radiation if im correct is very provocative and i dont mind exploring it in my mind.
I choose to think emotionaly charged events important points in time are given dejavue prompts you then have the choice in those moments i think of them as fork in the road points in time to either do your best or not I have experimented more and more with this theory and have always gained something very positive and important out of it by being the best i can be imediatly following and can now see had i dropped the ball in those dejavue prompted situations regret. It works for me try it next time you get dejavue see what happens. The great thing is that i seem to get dejavue more and more now.
hey if ther is a multiverse does that mean that somewhere out there theres like 1 of me and u that can like have matsered the kinesis's and stuff? lol wat if out there somewhere there talkin about building guns insted of using kinesis' 2 fite?lol
I like the movie one (jetli) Thats soo hollywood however in physics we understand dimensions as layers of the same reality coexisting Like an onion different layers still an onion. Its really hard I could tell you what I think but thats my conclusions based on my own experience and perspective of reality I do think that its a possibility.
However in physics, the truth is that there are only 3 spatial dimensions, 1 temporal dimension, and 6-17 potential quantum dimensions that exist crumpled and warped in on themselves within each point of space and time. They are not layers; spacetime and our reality is not an onion. This is the most widely accepted dimensional theory.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Hmm im going to have to work on simpler metaphors. What i said in my metaphor and it is a common one is that Reality is made up of layers =(dimensions) These layers exsist as a part of a whole which makes up the reality we experience the onion however they are separate in that they each exsist as a different property of a whole. It sounds in your typing you are trying to one up me however. I was trying to provide an analogy that someone without a wikipedia connection or physics training could model. (visualization) However this still leaves out the virtual realities that we can imagine and or play in (wow) created by humans these realitys can become very real for the people who choose to spend energy on them ie angry german kid and his online game psycosis and the many other addicts around the world. Now these realities still exsist within our reality however if you dont give your attention to them then they mean nothing. It is therefore conceivable that a program exsists elswhere in the universe that could even program one of these "game" realities for the user/users wherin they would have no Idea that that was all it was. A sort of vr learning tool. Like in secon life (game) the dimensional properties once programed would provide an adequate xperience for those consciousnesses like the matrix. Back to the onion analogy unless there is some universal law stating it is imposible it is then posible that there is a whole field of onions out there (metaphor) and that each one tastes slighly different from the last. I love quantum physics but I love onions to.
lol god point punga because when you think about it hard enough then the universe erasign you might cause it to loop in on itself because you being ereased means anything that involved you in even the slightest way would be altered
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
hmm fith star, u said earlyer on this topic *theres more to my family that im not being told* whay do usay that? u think Psionic abilits are genetic? and is your family, a fimly of psychics?
Yeah everyone has abilites but me and my brother and sisters got abilites that Ive never heard about well except my Empathy is really just very advance and I have a considerable amount of contol over it my mom has alot of abilities but her most dominatn one is Telepathy she can read thoughs but like my Empathy shes advanced she can give people thoughts make them literally tihnk it on command or like confuse their thoughts and maek them mess up without really realizing their doing it and if they do they cant help it she does it on me all the time but since Ive been using telepathy more counsiously Ive ben able to counter her confusing my words to a degree when we argue.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Hm I belive that science in the most part is a load of goat s*** and that it tells us about 95% bs thats either made up or made to limit us the other 5% is what slipped through gaps nd taht we can use to further what we are supposed to do
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
The laws of physics as we know them are not goat sh!t. They are how existence works unfettered by external influence. Sentient beings fit into the plan of existence because of the fact that we like to get a grasp on and control our surroundings as a means of understanding. If they were in fact goat sh!t and didn't matter at all, then there would be infinity percieved by way of chaos, no definition, everything and nothing. The laws govern and shape the universe into reality, give it form. We can alter that form, but we need the laws in the first place. Don't ever underestimate that.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Chaos isnt just nothing without order Chaos itself even has order Im not saying that its all goat **** but some of it is just a bind on what we want to accomplish some actually helps but not all of it i mean sure we can use it to explain how things are done by scientific standards but we can never really be sure how they are done in actuality
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Fifth factoring in uncertainty is essential for me when doing pk. However the more I have learned on the science side the more logical it all seems and therefore possible. This makes it more acceptable to my mind to jsutify what is happening.
I am well aware of chaos. Chaos is the system of checks and balances for infinity itself. I know it is not without a form of order, that is why I mentioned it at all.
Science is the quintissential conduit for many of us. At least, those of us that don't give in to mysticism. It is what we harness in order to connect to and alter reality in whatever form necessary.
And just like what Shirak just said, it helps the mind justify what is happening, because as I just said, that is what sentient beings do, they try to comprehend and control their surroundings as a means of understanding. To ignore that is folly.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.