Not really, well idk lol Its possible and then its not Im not sure my mom knows more about psyvamprisim n shes encountered some but they were weak and didint know any more than how to take energy
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Psypire= Some one who steals energy from other people basically kinda like a leech in a way, but yeah experinced ones are nothing I think I have some sort of "barrier" if you will against any harmful force kinda like a thing my mom gave me at birth
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Psichyc Vampirism .. for the beginners it only takes small amount of youre aura .. so that's why some ppl afected by it feels frustrated and weak , ppl don't exactly have to be aware of theyre psypire .. they can do it unnintentionally , but there is the other category ..ppl that know what they r doing and they train it to the max (if there really is a max in psychic abilities), trained psypier's take energy directly from youre soul and that's dangerous ... but there is a weakness they have ... being psypier from birth is both a curse and a gift ... a gift because u can steal and have more energy in a shorter time than someone who is training to grow theyre energy ...but a curse because theyre soul isin't creating enough energy to mantain the body ...thus they become addicted .. and the loss of great amounts of energy puts anyone down .. so as a cure i haven't heard or read anything about it who is a psipier from birth and has a bad time mantaining his / her's life energy ... well ...tough luck
Defense against energy vamps: Technique. Each individual creates their own quantum reality field. This is how we affect matter via pk. By refusing to accept another into your reality field is simply an act of will. In fact Tai chi will teach you to take and give energy as someone tries to take follow sync then as they have drawn back they are overbalanced and you from your own balanced reality field which you have never given access to or have removed them can turn their pull on them in essence you use their own energy against them and lock them into a self feeding construct. The more they try to take the more they take from themselves a fruitless effort. You see an energy vamp has to expose a sort of empathy to sync with your energy this means they have opened their reality to you allowing you to affect theirs. In some situations this will then make the individual try to access your reality field with words. However a simple mantra deflects this. "That is your reality not mine" Learn to tell the difference between your reality outlook and others. I have done quite a bit of training by exposing myself to several vamps so I speak from experience. In fact if you can find one to train off of it can increase your willpower greatly. Hope this helps
Look I know this going to offend however you are basically heaing a parasitic condition these people have come to rely on. that is why you create a construct which forces them to feed themselves. In this way you become the teacher and teach them that which they need to learn which they have not yet developed. That is of course if you are bothered to take the time (what are you on this earth for would be the appropriate question)