lol i had the tingly feeling on the first try. And shooting elelctricty its hard to explain but i can do it its basically you just control the electrons n watnot and cause them to collidied violently and then repel them with force away from you I do have another more complicated method than that. I think what helps me with Ek and what not is forgetting everything not caring about who might think im crazy or what ever I just relax and feel it and then just do it, but its a little bit more than that but that part is very hard for me to explain.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
hard 2 explane how? people always say just shoot it and thats anoying like with tk they say just bend it >.< by the way, is there anything that makes your ek stronger/weeker? like sunspots or, watter?
i praticed a few days ago in a car, and put all the energy into my index finger, and it tingled alot, but it hurt like a cramp even tho it wasnt, is this normal?
Id say yes because i experienced something similar except the tingling was very strong and then i tried to condence it and it because less tingly but more dynamic if you will and then i touched my arm and was able to make my hair stand on end for a few seconds.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
alright, ive been reading and most EK pages say 2 meditate before pratice, do i realy need2? i get good results without meditating, and what if u have no time 2 do it?
Well Ive been electrocuted twice not liek lightning bolt but like effing around with power boxes and got electrocuted but like the fire it didnt really hrt just numbed me up badly But then again thats me so idk how it would turn out with you
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
o umm.....maby ill die...iono but it might hurt if i try so imma wait 4 a long time 2 try that, also can i die from praticing ek? like if the electricity runs thrugh your heart? im just courious
lol idk but for me thats where i get most of my "spare" electricty from my heart brain n spinal cord snce they have electricty goin through them all the time the heart not as much though
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
ok well if your ek is running through your heart you'll prolly have more energy. think about it about it it will get your blood pumping faster get you all wild up and youll be more focused.but dont focus to much energy into your heart you could die
Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
thats what im trying 2 findout, how much is 2 much? i tried a few hours ago and my heart raced like probly not going 2 do that untill im more expereanced btw what did you pretice when u started ek? and is would you say ek is aginst the bibles teachings? thats a big 1 for me
the bible has no teaching is was written by some king guy for ****s and giggles. it is based on fact but it wasnt entirely true. so in theory no its not.
Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
Sorry I hate to be in my nature but Zahandras whta you said was completly retarded.
God and Satan are both very much infact real so is every person in the bible really the most unacurate but true event in the bible is the Creation of the Earth I really dont feel like explaining, but somethings in the bible were left out and somethings werent recorded at all due to te fact that if we knew everything that happened the world would be evn crazier than it is not saying that its bad just the world is retarded also I dont go by the techings d any religion any way i despise the church and all religions because they dont bring u closer to god they just throw u into a set of organized wporship and its pointless so me Id say the using any type of kinesis is perfectly fine and I combat the church by adding that all these ablities are what we "lost" and "gained" when Adam and Eve were dumb asses and ate from the wrong tree I can explain how so but again not feeling like it right now
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
you be in your nature without nature there's nothing but im just saying yes the events are true but only the events that take place in every religions bible. anything that is only in one or two religions is most likely fake. jesus is the mosia? isnt he dead??? so then there is no mosia you know what im agnostic so i dont care im open to anything but still saying only the things that are common are most likely true. pls nobody flip im just stating my opinion.
Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
Well yea there is more than one god entity if you wil but there is a supreme god above all but i think jesus is i mean it is possible to die and come back to life i can evn thnk of one now if u wanna involve lkinetics we could say advanced biokinesis.
And no God wont turn his back on you if you read the bible u would n should know that God loves everyone except maybe people who do things like eat babies
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
weird because i keep thinking kinesis is associated with black magic, because in the bible blk magic is iono witchcraft r somthing and god realy dosent like it
To be completely honest, and yes this is a historical fact:
Christian missionaries shunned pagan teachings because it competed with their religion's dominance. So that's pretty much the only reason thousands of people were accused of being a witch and were murdered for. Because missionaries and priests told their followers witches were evil and only wished for evil things, when in fact paganism was the dominant religion at the time throughout Europe. It's a little something that history books leave out.
In fact, witchcraft is just a modified form of prayer, you use items that symbolize what you want together toward a common goal, just like Christians and Catholics use crosses as symbols of their lord in their prayer.
Personally, I'm an atheist. And I'm not telling you all to convert to something or whatever but, if you want to do something that you are interested in, do it. Don't let teachings that you don't 100% believe in control your life. There are different types of the same religion.
Also the concepts of PK and witchcraft are generally not associated.
Almost all Modern Wiccan belifs are modifyed christian rights. Even some preists dabbled in witchcraft until the pope outlawed it. Some people could do really weird things.
I understand this topic is now dead but to clarify on the how much is too much question,
When people survive being shocked by lightning it is by pure chance that they survive, not because someone is stronger or weaker or whatever people think about it but because when the lightning goes into your body it misses your heart, think about it: Ambulances use electricity to restart the heart because that is what turns major involuntary organs on and off. When you are holding something metal, that significantly increases the chances that the shock will completely miss the heart, so people who golf for example, and get shocked by lightning because they play in the rain it's because they are holding a metal pole.
I'd not concentrate on developing electricity in your heart but in your hands or something that wouldn't kill you to have electricity in. Also you may damage electronics if you develop too much electricity so try to get rid of it when you don't think you'll need it.