hmm good point but the headaches dont switch my ability well at first they did but now im getting better at recalling them and the headaches are lest frequent and they seldom switch abilities but i realized i cant use 2 at once atleast not yet ive tried
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well its been awhile and i think i "have them back" idk how but i just feel like i got them back.And no i never got any headaches so i dont think i switched. So to fully gain my atmokinesis back should i try aerokinesis,thermokinesis,and electrokinesis since atmokinesis is an inexpert form of all of those?
well what ive already discussed ive lost my ability to do biokinesis around the time of the flares and ive some how developed areokinesis so i think it could be solar flares because of electromagnetic field and stuff like that
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
1) By massive i mean if your trying to creat large scale storms and such 2) I dont think all those are neccasary since I think I preformed Atmokinesis today (idk im lokin into it) 3) Solar Flars?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Ok solar flares are waves of energy the sun gives off. Now when this energy reaches the atmosphere it causes electromgnetic disturbances. I think that these bursts are enough to disrupt or change Psychokinetic abilities. Because aren't all psychokinetic abilities based on electrokinesis?
I agree, and yes the abilities are all related to electrokinesis, supposedly.
I have recently started telekinesis and I find myself unable to spark any results. Solar weather is a growing field. Solar flares in the past have actually destroyed 2 or 3 satellites and created aurora large enough to extend down to upstate New York. I don't know much about it myself, unfortunately, or I would say more..
ive just had an idea Magnokinesis the manipulation of electromagnetic fields discover this and u can change any power u want its ingenious lol look at this
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
2 pungas question i was trying 2 make an electro field with a battery and a coil of wire and i burnt/shocked my self at the same time but didn't get a mark that was yesterday and 2 archaeums question it feels weird but im not a strong aero at all im incredibly weak at it but nonetheless still cool
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
I know wut a solar flare is i wasnt aware of it happening
It might be possible to change your abilities but i don think the other abilities are based on ek but more of some of the principles of it by that i mean just the way the ability works
No I really dont have any tips I dont know how i do it or if I absorbed it or what but I alteady have a considerable amount of control over it
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
I know wut a solar flare is i wasnt aware of it happening
It might be possible to change your abilities but i don think the other abilities are based on ek but more of some of the principles of it by that i mean just the way the ability works
No I really dont have any tips I dont know how i do it or if I absorbed it or what but I alteady have a considerable amount of control over it
How so? For example what were you thinking?Doing?Sticking your hand out the window?locked in a room with no window?? What did you feel? Look this thread is getting into another subject totally cuz of all these other ppl, do you have a screen name for aim,or msn, or yahoo?
But as far as the Atmokinesis goes all I did was just think of what I wanted to happen then I got this weird feeling and in a few moments what I wanted to happen happened within about 2 days I had made it rain made rain stop made clouds part and stoped thunder/lightning the rain was the most common though
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would