I can dream of the future.My future. Its really weired i just know a dream will happen because during the dream i get this weird feeling. Also I can control the rain, locally, and i make storms out of some rain but i cant start rain. I need help because im trying to start rain out of the clear blue sky(clouds form,rain starts). But lately i had an outburst of anger and i sort of felt my powers "go away" and now i cant control the rain of dream of the future.Can someone please help me get my powers back?
That happens to me in a way like when Im sleepy my telepathy goes haywire and I hear al kinds of random thoughs or when Im upset I cant focus enough to practice my Electrokinesis. Id advise you to try and control your emotions and get organized because experiencing alot of Emotion can cause an overload with your powers and depending on the level of them can be dangerous and cause you to loose control.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
I would suggest 2 things the first clear you mind by meditation then focus on creating the rain how heavy do you want it to fall the second ties into this knowing the scientifics behind your specfic ability will greatly help you in developing it for example rain dosent just fall it is an accumulation of evaportated water(clouds) so by knowing an studying things such as this you will have a greater understanding how to work ur ability and thus make it easier in developing it. to put it simpler its easier to work with something thats already been givin to you than make it on your own so in other words its easier to control the storm but harder to create it (Even kinetics have principles to follow)
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Thanks alot. Sorry for sounding pretty stupid, but how do you meditate? Is there some way or book that helps me meditate because ,frankly, i've never done it before but i've read about the basics(breath deeply,calm yourself,"sound out the world and go inward", etc) but i've tried and never done it though. For example i want to learn to master my ability to dream of the future to do it whenever i want because i can't control it(it just happens randomly) and i know that meditating will help me master it but i wuite don't know how. Any help on meditating or mastering my dreaming of the future?
Well i could offer help on meditating but dreaming the future I cant rly do thats my moms depearment and I chose not to excerse that ability, but when you meditate it dosent have to be just drown out the world like for example me when i mediate i do it at night when its cool because the stars releax me then i listen to opera and it calms me because i love it thats how i focus my abilities also heavy emotions can cause you to losse focus such as anger, or stress try to relax and put that from your mind think only about wut you are trying to accomplish. Doing all of this at first was difficult for me due to some of the abilities i posses, but eventually i got the hang of it.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Also keep in mind any preconcieved notions of what meditation really is supposed to be may be wrong on your part, randyff. Meditation does not mean trying to achieve nirvanna or anything like that every time. No, meditation is more like a higher form of relaxation for your entire existence; mind, body, and soul. It lets you go inside your head and think about all the things in your life so much that you can't even think about them anymore, like things that stress you out or give you problems. Once you get to that point, its like your brain becomes quiet and you can think about what you want to focus on. From there it just gets deeper and deeper, and if you do it enough, you can learn enough control to do relax your whole being like this without having to go through the entire process.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Im 14 going on 15 in 5 days young for my year and i also have dreams of the future of myself but i cant control them and every single time they've come true there looks to be a patter as Pungaboy said.
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
Well i still need help on getting my powers back. The other day i went to six flags and i saw and ex there and i know that if i had my powers i would of dreamed it before. PLease help i need to get my powers back
ok the problem was with my parents and the problem was resolved but still i havent got my powers back.I've meditated and still nothing.What else should i do?
When I think about it If I apply my current situation with yours then your powers arnt gone just not quire as applied its hard to explain. Like when I thought my pyrokinesis was gone it came back and now I can touch fire and not be burnt or feel the heat(I did this once before when I was younger)
Now that I think about it I only touched fire on 2 occasions so im not sure but...
Your abilities that you have never goe away its just they back up once u keep using them they will come back eventualy but they are never gone r u currentlly stressed out or feel pressured?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
that would be pretty interesting to if he was capable of that but that would mean that hes in a way Psychokinetic but can switch which kinetic abilitie he can perform which would probaly include Chronokinesis, but that would mean he can use all kinetic abilities.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Yeah but not at all the same time. And not with intent. Its complicated, like the headache switched your ability to something else. Its been known to happen