I've been thinking a lot about people with SLI...i've heard that those that suffer from it seem to have it occur quite frequently. So I was thinking that maybe someone with SLI could try and document it. You know, like, take a lil video camera around with you and film it when you notice the light do crazy stuff like, blowing out.
Anyway, looks like ascension runs in the family. Or did you just grow up with your family doing various psionic things and so were just more open to it?
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
I belive some things arnt psi related but infact his ability may have hapened through a genetic inheritance from his mothers use in kinetic abilities since kinetic abilities actually in a way alter your genes. But I belive some people are actually born with a high level of certain abilities like my mother and my sister.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
It's not in your genes, nor will it ever be. Even if it is, it's basically like saying everyone has feet. That's in your genes, but everyone has feet. Nobody has extra feet. Sometimes people aren't born with enough feet or their feet don't work right, but that's not really the point. The point is that whatever this is, it is universal and it is the same with every person. How you're raised and what you're raised around is what determines the strength of your affinities. Affinity is based on fate. Your fate is based on the choices you make in life (which aren't really choices, because you can't actually choose the other choice(s), you only think you can) which extend out of the past into the present to affect the future.
And to those who think they can choose whatever, riddle me this: How do you make a decision? You consider both choices (consciously or not) and draw on what you previously learned/experienced and make the choice. The only way you're going to realistically make a "different" choice is to learn/experience something else that calls your original knowledge and judgement into question. And when that happens you make the choice based on THAT information, which is what you have currently learned/experienced. There is no real choice, it's just an illusion.
Even more disturbing is that by reading this, it will affect your decisions for the rest of your life. You will come upon a situation in which you will have to choose something, and at that point in time you will either remember what I've said and say "Bull****." and "choose" something else to spite that, or you will accept it and forget about it, and thus I will be right. Or even better you will realise down the road that what I've said is true. Whatever the outcome, there is no choice.
Problem is, once you start thinking about it and questioning every single noticible choice, you draw closer to insanity and obsession. The fact that we have this illusion known as choice is incredibly imperative to the progression of humans as both a global civilization and as a species in general. Without it, we go crazy, eternally questioning what has led up to the decision and what the decision will ultimately affect, and the fact that we're questioning it at all. We wouldn't get anywhere. Choice is a necessary illusion.
anyway. /offtopic
p.s. yay 60th post
-- Edited by archaeum at 01:59, 2007-09-05
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
I dont think it was my choice to be put through the hell I have went through with my ability but I have learned to deal with it and Im trying to get better at what I can do and I didnt mean as in its in everyones genes I mean some people do have it in their genes because that would be the only explanation for it. In example my mother never tryed to acquire Telepathy she had it ever since she was a child she was born with it my sister in the same manner she was born with the ability to heal the ability presented it self at a rather high capability, but they never trained countless hours trying to acquire it they always had it they used it and from them using it they got better at it.
This goes for me in the same case I have always had my abilty I just wasnt aware of it until recently and now Im trying to understand it more. The only explanation for this ability is its genetic not saying genetic as in someone else in my family can do it to genetic as in from my mothers and my fathers(I dont know for sure Im not very close with him) abilitys somehow I acquired a ability of my own the abilty is imprinted on me forever It cant go away regardless if I use it or not its always there.
Even though everyone has the potential to use a kinetic ability or the like some people are just born with the abilty to use it right off the bat, but then some abilities such as mine and pungaboy's are not in anyway related to kinetics they are entirely seperate from them and the only explanation can be that its in our genes but to be more secific our brains because im pretty sure when he executes his ability he thinks it. It has to some way involve whats in our genes. And its possible that someone who is born with an ability has parents who never evn perform kinetics at an uncounsious level.
I also think that just like some people are born without feet some people are born without the abilty to use kinetic abilities or the like and some people are born with abilities that go beyond the kinetic ones.
On an unrelated side note I discovered that I can use chronkinesis which supposedly is dangerous and should be left alone which is true because after attempting ti on a small scale (moving time back by a few seconds 4 to be exact) I uncounsiously used it and apparently skipped time by about 20 minutes.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
archaeum- Anyway, looks like ascension runs in the family. Or did you just grow up with your family doing various psionic things and so were just more open to it?
What you said there was completely contradictory to your non-genetic belif. Something can not run in the family Unless some genetics are involved. No one else in my family can kill things with their minds.
lol yeah true being around something would make u more likely and able to do it its like drinking u grow up in a house where people drink ur gunna drink too. But some things I belive are genetic but i belive it goes both ways. but not saying some one born with it will be better than some one who learns it but somethings you are born with Its like that one thing u can do but that orther kid cant its like being able to curl your tounge or how ur ears are(or something like that) thats just in ur genenes. but being able to do a backflip or whistle everyone can do it its just are you willing to learn
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
See i think someone that tried to do whatever I do would end up with cancer. Unless they worked on radiation sheilding first and even then how are you supposed to test that.
that is most probably true unless we are all immune to this sort of radiation is it, standard radiation or a new type and do you know what the giga-counter rating is?
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
IIf we were all immune to it then i doubt people would have died in hiroshima, but thers also things that could result as in poison and such, but it must be a natural sheild since you havent died yet from it and the sheild would have to cover your entire body inside and out and i dont think thats possible your power must come with the immunity to radiation. And i belive that eah if anyone else attempted it if at all possible they would die eventually if not immediately you cant just build up an immunity to that kind of thing over night, but when you think about it If you can give off radiation and I can copy abilities someone probly can build up immunities to things over night like there one giant living immune system so to speak so it might be possible, but other than that or being able to copy all the properties one would be certain to die.
On a random note I dont think theres any new type of radiation the ones i think he are giving off are probly ionizing radiation wich would be X-Rays, Gamma, Alpha Beta, Particle and Neutron Radiation and with what hes described he is probly releasing amounts of alpha and beta but he probly can relaease the other ones aswell.
On a random note do you know if some objects you come into contact with have become radioactive?
-- Edited by The_Fifth_Star at 16:53, 2007-09-08
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Ugh, this is weird. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, don't get me wrong. It just seems like this board and all of its posts are reminding me of the first season of Heroes minus the story and purpose. Sounds silly I know. Fifth is basically a mimic like Peter or, if you want, Rogue. Punga is Ted, minus dead wife. etc. It's funny :P
And Punga, what I meant when I said ascension wasn't in the sense that you're on a higher evolutionary/genetic rung of some ladder, but rather that what is latent in everyone is more prevalently awoken in your family. In that sense what is within all of us can come out at any point in life, or not come out at all. I think that it just depends on how you're raised. Which really makes the question of ascension over general open-mindedness irrelevent. And I don't deny that it very well might be in our genes, but for now I'll stick to my non-mutant beliefs. But I have no idea how some people get psionic powers that are outside the norm even for paranormal standards, and border on superhero abilities. It doesn't make any sense that anyone would be that far along within their lifetimes let alone at these teen ages, in this point in our society's time.
Anyway, I don't know what I was trying to accomplish with this post so I'm going to bed now. kbye
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Yea i know it dose seem weird and i thought that at first thats y i didnt chose to except the fact that I could do it until I actually tried Telepathy and it worked also I was able to do a few things with Pyrokinesis without even have practiced before I was actually at the point where I got the flae to go out then i started to get the afterwards headache. And its a really big difference from Peter because he was able to use the ability just like the person he copied it from me on the other hand I cant I just get better at what I copied in way so to speak. I could easily disprove the fact that its not like heroes also because whenever Ted got pissed he practically exploded and I dont think Punga does that unless hes not gettin pissed enough then theirs something to worry about. Also I dont think of the person nor do I have to know exactly the person I dont even know if these are the people I got the abilities from I just made assumptions because it matches them and abilities they already have. I think I have an explanation as to how it works Im not completly sure though and no it has nothing to do with me coming into contact with the person atleast not that I know of.
lol now superhero abilities is a funny word, but in seriousness yes Im not disagreeing with the fact that anyone can acomplish certain things, but maybe in genetics somepeople have the ability to create fire using Pyrokinesis and not suffer burns, create water using Hydrokinesis(I think thats highly possible regardless if you rly wanana knw ask me) create 30 foot electrical currents with Electrokinesis or maybe Teleport and not come out looking retarded then then die 5 seconds later. What i am saying though that there are things other people can do that others cant just because of how they work(or genes to stay on matter's) and why do I feel that I basically said the same thing as above.
But on a random note most of the abilities I have absorbed I rly see no use for except Telepathy and maybe Electrokinesis, but I dont think I absorbed that one but i have advanced in it rather quickly than expected.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
well i have an i dear all Punga needs to do is find an advanced long range biokinetic to change his DNA or brain or body to allow him to control the radiation emttion would that work
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
That would work but he can control it now to a degree its like with any natural power you get better in time ell natural and unatural. Plus how many skiled biokinetics are their i mean yea there r some but maniplating your dna n someothers its preetty hard possible but hard
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would