ive noticed that every time ive seen a mortalkombat fan they allways seem to have a conection to a type of kinesis inculding myself why is this? like raiden is the god of lighting and i seem to perform a lil bit of electrokinesis .
Meh, sounds like coincidental rubbish. Nor does it really matter. Nothing you can really do with that information. It's not like you could go around and get everyone to play mortal kombat and ask them, which character do you like the most? and say that something-or-other is their supposed natural kinesis. Not to rant. It's just kinda pointless.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
i was merely talking about how some say that your kinesis comes to you and in some ways points you to it and if me being electrokinetic could be a way as in the futre of my past telling me to do electrokinesis or hinting i would become a electrokinetic person but i guess thats your thoughts on that thanks for your opinion anyway.
my favorite character is Sub-zero. hes cool. i hope i can do that crap someday... like shoot ice. Its funny this topic turned up today. i was just thinking about mortal kombat while i was doing aero last night...