Hello, I've been watching this forum for a while now, and I'm deciding to try and clarify something for everyone. This is in regard to those who may argue that all of the "-kinesis" terms and describing oneself as a(n) "-kinetic" are merely fluff terms and that it is all just psychokinesis. I'm not going to tell anyone that they're fluff. No. What I want to say is that all of those terms are just a categorical application to an aspect of existential manipulation, aka psychokinesis. Everything is based on force-of-will, first and foremost, and other things like techniques and visualizations that many of you so desperately seek for is merely a crutch. I'm not saying don't use these terms, but try to understand that they're all one and the same. I have even been known to call myself an aerokinetic from time to time, because I am obsessed with wind and it makes me feel amazing. Someone may find that they themselves are more prone/interested in a particular category, but all must understand that it is the same thing. Manipulation of existence. Simple as that. No channeling elements or nether-energies (lol i'm sorry i just pulled that out of my ass). One (1) person can do any (and all) things. Because you are not born with special, super-human abilities; you aren't born a pyrokinetic or an aerokinetic or a (lol...) dynamokinetic (xD hahah...ahh that's funny.). You're born a natural human just like everyone else and your experiences in life dictate what your mind is more inherant to perform, but in reality you are completely capable of absolutely all of them, because it is all manipulation of existence, something that everyone is born with the capacity, not the ability, to do so.
And to everyone who is trying to relearn the naturally inherant abilities of psychokinesis just because they heard about it or found out and thought it is "cool" should really stop now. You should first be interested in philosophy, science, and theology, because without those this is nothing more than a simple trick. It's insulting the way some of these posters come on here with 8-year-old typing capabilities and ask "hey is ther ne teknikes for arokenises that u can teach? i saw this thing [insert something really fantasic] and i was wandering if ne 1 new sumthing to teach". Agh my lord that was painful to type. I'm sure this is exaggerated but still. Ok I've most likely made myself look like an ass now but I really don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just trying to voice my opinion here.And regarding my opinion, if anyone agrees with this, I will direct you to an expansion on my existential beliefs. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=61837806&blogID=145814044. Thanks and have a great day!
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.