I am a experienced aerokinetic. I can create medium to large whirlwinds, change wind directions at a thought, and manipulate winds at higher altitudes (i.e. bring in cold/warm fronts) If anyone has tips for ADVANCED to MASTER level areokinetics please post here anything will help.
Thanks in advanced,
Talonnias (a.k.a. Tal or Talonn)
Remember this: Kinetics are in the mind. Strengthen it and all potential is released. Study hard and practice.
Yeah ik what you mean. When I do that a storm starts but i have a real problem with focusing it on to an object. Creating strong winds, rain, snow etc. is easy but actually manipulating around an object that's heavy is what i'm trying to do. Any advice?
by heavy i mean chairs, tables, etc. pretty much things outside that are heavier leaves/paper.....i've always had pk since 3??. i started out with aero, then telepathy and empathy came along with atmos, pyro, electro (for speeding up internet), and precog. i'm working on moving things with aero and telekinesis but i'm having trouble.......
the wind.. the internet.. my computer.. psiwheel. and I try to keep my mind in a very pychokinetic state so I possibly could be making things happen for me without me even knowing. oh and live tv or radio.. messing with people.
I was wandring i know i am no advanced kenetic cause most of my aerokentic is involentery . But my friends have been pulling pranks on me. I am not so big so for a laugh they but me in a dumbster(without trash). First time they did it they held the the door down and i hit the the door with my palm not so hard while they were holding and the door flew open and the second time they did it i just kicked it gently because i thought my friend who is like 4 years younger then me held it and the door flew open again when i did not put much power. There were the time were my cousin kind of locked the door with a chainlock and i opend it like there was no lock (the lock broke). Since you guy's are advanced have you experinced anything like that(not the pranks thing) Cause i thin it has something with my aerokenetic
No i haven't tried any experiment but it happens when i am kind of controlled angry. I now what is happining around me and have controll over the angry emotions. It had happend befor once when i was playing foorball with some friend in 3rd grade. And a guy accedently kicked the ball in my face so i fell down. When stood up the other guys were holding me but somehow just pushed them aside and went strait for the kid who kicked the ball and lifted him with both him up with my both hands up against the wall. That was the first time i experinced this.
Hm if all of the actions that you experienced had u making physical contact then you might have enchaced stregth aka superhuman strength. Also that anger might havee triggered it are their any case when you did these things and wernt angry?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
i can't remember what i felt when i broke the chain lock on the door but some how it felt like a splitt seco nd slower when i was pullingthe door knob other wise i was always angry but i think it is kind of strang i feel nohing but anger but still in controll and the thing is it just have kind of one burst after it happens i kick ore hit it is my usual strength
not super human streghth as you would see on TV but by it I mean exerting more force with less work than scientifically possible. ex normaly you would throw a rock and it would go 5 feet but by a greater force being exerted it goes farther.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would