My main PK practice has been aerokinesis and in the past month ive been getting good at atmokinesis. K. So I can make Huge Gusts of wind pretty easily and I can make it rain kind of. it usually takes a few minuits and i have to start out with wind.and my mind has to be racing. But just a second ago the coolest thing just happend.. A breakthrough pretty much. I was lying in bed trying to get into a lucid dream and All of a sudden I had a great idea. and at the deepest point of that idea I heard what sounded like thunder but it wasnt But it started to Rain like mAd CrAzY.It was so obviously me that made it rain too. Im just so proud of myself. :D
Just keep on keepin on and they'll eventually come to you. lol yeah it was kind of like that.. basicaly this preppy chick told me she'd bone me if I wasnt all gothic (im not really) but I knew she wanted to anyway. I shouldve asked if she wanted to make an excuse to get out of class so we could be alone but I was to slow back then to say anything like that. It was a simple thought but it cleared my mind enough for my subconcious to take Psychkinetic action. hence the rain.