I have a few theories I would like to share. I believe that any type of psychokinetic can learn any kinesis other than the one they have naturally. According to Dewarlorx, psychokinesis and it's sub-forms rely on electrostatics and such. So that might mean that a lumokinetic, for example, is very good at lumokinesis and decides to try out geokinesis. They might use their first geokinesis technique sooner than a non-kinetic. Another thing, I've done some research involving my own electrokinesis. I used electrokinesis for other psychokinetic abilities such as geokinesis, pyrokinesis and cryokinesis and I've gotten some pretty strange results. I was able to increase the opacity of a quartz crystal with geokinesis, heat up my arm with pyrokinesis, cool my popcorn a bit with cryokinesis, make a small whirlpool in a small body of running water with hydrokinesis. None of these abilities I am quite sure of I don't have naturally. Also, it's not just psychokinetics that can be, well, psychokinetic. Psychics can also be psychokinetics as well, with enough practice. My girlfriend has ESP and she has been practicing pyrokinesis for about a month or two and has gotten quite good at it. This shows that psi definently plays a major role in psionics in general and that psi may be electricity itself. Does anyone else have opinions they would like to share or have something to say about my theories? Thank you for reading this very long post.
-- Edited by Psychostatic101 at 14:59, 2006-09-19
You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain.
good theory. cooling popcorn... lol. try making minerals ocks crumble with geokinesis, and then youll know for sure. that would be intersting to master 4 or 5 kinetic abilities.. i do agree with your theory though, maybe it is all vibrations and you are just good at a certain range of vibrations, so you are good at one kind of kinesis.
weird.. my ' ' on 'rocks doesnt show up for me... udmb electrokinetics! lol jk
-- Edited by azlond at 23:40, 2006-09-25
The statement below is false.
The statement above is true.
i don't know that much geokinesis and i might have actually done little to nothing to the rock... i'm not entirely sure but i like to think i did increase it's opacity . i want to try to master electrokinesis and aerokinesis mainly because i'm obsessed with electricity 0_0. and i have been practicing for about 3 years and i'm good at both. do u know any geokinesis or how i could stop blowing out light bulbs with electrokinesis? thanx
You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain.
You may just be a catalyst Telepath Psychostatic101. they have the ability to unlock dormant abilities in other psychics but usualy they also can perform psychic healing
I have heard about people that awakens dorment ability's in other's. I don't remember were i read it and i remeber only some part off it so her it goes these people may know they have this ability's ore not and in some cases they might know of your ability's and train you. When you meet them there is a high possebility that you don't know anything about what they do. And the rest i think was that they don't stay with the people for to long but i am not sure.
I have a theory of my own. I don't know if you are born with a kinesis ore not but i have heard that everybody has the potencial to uncover kinesis.
But those who are born/natural at might have the fact that their parents have some ability's to. My mother, my aunt and my grandma(she had dorment) had preminitons. But when i was born i showed that my ability for preminiton was activ from when i could speak and a freakish accedant when i changed my clothes and put new clothes on an went just out the door the colloar of my shirt fell of and the sleeves.(like they wear cut of happend infront of my mom)
But what i mean is if you have parents with a ability there is a possebility that you have the same ability as them and that since you are the next generations there might be you have new ability's that your parents don't have like my mother had preminitons i have that also but i have aerokinesis and electrokinesis. so what are your opinions on this theory.