I have always been interested in psychic and kinetic abilities, and hoped to have one ore maybe even more. But it doesnt seem like i have any. I am only 14 so could they show up?
You can indeed develope an ability or all of them! from what I understand we are all born with those abilities innate within ourselves but it takes different stimulation to actually use them, eventually we begin to degrade in our ability to unlock these innate abilities due to their seeming "un-usefullness" in life (eg. when u grow up most of the abilities that you could develop would be considered fantasy and wierd, so as you grow up you tend to think more or less the same and in effect stop yourself from further development) this certainly doesn't mean that you cant have a psychic or kinetic experiance later on in life, infact i had my first experiance somewhere around 11yrs old, I am now studying the mind and parapsycology to get a better understanding of this side of reality.
I suggest you read a Psychic for begginers book like by William W.Hewit(best get that from amazon.com)
that'll give you some important pointers from there you can carry on as you like.
you'll also find meditations useful once you understand how they help, try this page for meditations: http://thepowerswithin.com/meditation.htm Im not sure about the rest of the stuf they go on about but the meditations are sound
Good luck
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death