When I was younger I was able to produce a red light out of my eyes that was visible to those around me, I was wondering what this was and what it meant, I've had a look at the Lumokinesis section and wonder if I have an unfocused lumokinetic ability... I have never been able to produce it at will, only in times of emotional stress.
can anyone give me any pointers or info on this?
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
sounds wickedly cool. it could hav something to do with lumokinesis, but it sounds as if it is mixed with pyrokinesis, to create a sort of laser type thing. if its only your eyes that glow. try some eye exercises like extending your peripheral vision.
um i would try these exercises on this web page. theyre for aura training, but they could have a similar effect. (there are 3 exercises there). also perhaps u should try absorbing energy and focusing it in ur eyes. think of strong emotions liek joy or hate when u do this.
Thanks, it turns out that I've been doing something smilar to the aura excersise in my free time (I thought i was just killing time).
Also, I was wondering if anyone can help me with my energy problem, I'll post this one in a sepparate topic.. It would be an issue if i am to try to bring back the ability that I once had.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
In order for me to accurately answer this question I will need you to be a little more specific on what you mean by "light coming out of your eye." Was it a glare of light, a light that shined as from within the eye, on the eye or would project a light on another object and the light seemed to come from your eye. This could be a number of thing, but certainly not pyrokinesis or a "laser" effect, the temperature would be signifigantly damaging to the eye.
I recall that when ever this would happen, one moment I'm looking at something or some one and then my vision would pulse red. the "pulse" was greatly intense but it was very fast and would seem to be flashing outwards/away from me and towards the object or person that I was looking at, and when ever it was a person they would notice my eyes flash red, once this happened when I was trying to stop my german sheppard from hurting a little girl... as i dragged her off I thought of what could happen if she had hurt the little girl, and as I the thought of her being put down passed through my mind my vision flashed red and "pulsed" and she jumped from her resting spot and stared at me for a while, she didnt seem physically affected in any way and during the following weeks didnt display any strange behaviour so I dont know if it had any affect, but non the less I was fearfull that one day it could hurt some on or one of my pets that I care about.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
Im just randomly making stabbs at it but what about lumokinesis coupled with a telepathic ability. The dog saw what you thought and stopped what it was doing.
Im still prety much seeking a pirates treasure with out a map
Got any hunches Dewar? also I heard something similar to my case somewhere, some guy had what he called a third eye strobe where his vision flashed like an intense blue light (like a UV torch) and just as it did there was a tremendous crash down stairs... al his plate s had shattered.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
wooooot i think i might be making progress. some of you might already know that the human body emits light at varying levels, especially from the hands ... yea ur not gonna be able to find ur keys in the middle of a dark forrest by waving your hands infron of you and saying "light up" but still your body emits low level radiation, and interestingly so do your eyes, not only do they alow light in but they also emit radiation at extreemly low but relativly high levels (in respect to the rest of the body, proportionality andthe physical nature of the body parts) whats interesting about this is it gives me a biokinetic based idea that i could try to amplify this effect and see if this is a part of my experiance.
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
Hey, long time no see. Just thought id come back have a look at this forum again. By the way, I found out that I'm not the only one this happens to, infact its a lot more common than i thought. In every case the vision of the person turns a pulsing red when triggered by intence emotion (anger in all cases). I still havn't been able to replicate it yet, but i've heard of a drug used by zulu warriors during the zulu wars which would give this effect... it would also drive them berserk and on further note it contained opium :O
*Ive never been on drugs BTW :)
He who discovers that which is of darkness and brings it forth into the light sets forth the shadow of death
hm intresting the body prodducing the natural effect of a drug basically minus side effects. And if their are other people with this ability try talking to them.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would