hey, i have this friend, who seems to have no natural abilitys in any type of "kinesis", he is really interested in telekinesis, and has the will to practice, but he has gotten nowhere. i was just wondering, is there any hope for him?
it could just be that that is not his true abilities as a telikinetic maybe he is something of a different power. my advice is observe him see what kinds of strange events that occur in his presence. but tell your frind i said keep up the good fight
Beginning psychokinesis and its sub-forms are generally only perusable if there have been several prior instances in which the gift has shown itself in an uncontrolled or unplanned manner. To “think” you have an ability is never enough, it has to be apparent to exercise it into the next phase. Generally you can not learn to control what you can not even do accidentally.
If you are a beginner (meaning you have had several occasions in which your ability has made itself physically apparent) in psychokinesis or one if its sub-forms then your next step is to analyze all prior usages of your gift. Look for patterns that may have had to arise for you to utilize your ability. Once you have found the patterns you can use them to reproduce the scenario in which your gifts thrive. If you can not find a pattern or reproduce the scenario then the only other alternative is repetitive exercise. This is when you try several forms of exercises for your gift for weeks at a time until you find the one that is right for you.
-- Edited by dewarlorx at 10:52, 2005-06-30
Psychic abilities are the children of Kinetic abilities. Many only see their potentials in Psychic abilities in their lifetime. Though through persistence with the above requirements they may begin to strengthen their Kinetic potentials in their lifetime.
I think anyone can learn any kinetic ability they wished as long as they practiced with dedication. I also believe that everyone possess the potential to be kinetic and that its all a matter of whether or not the particular person takes the plunge.
Kinetic abilities are possible do to the body or mind emitting frequencies acknowledged by an element or force. If the body emits a pitch familiarized by for example ‘water’ it can direct it's actions based on the intensity of the emitted pitch. To enhance a kinetic ability you are increasing the volume or intensity of the pitch without distorting the frequency of the pitch itself. The increase in volume must be increased via lowering the frequency and pitch. This is done by stretching the wave and thus increasing the sound pressure and causing a more physical disturbance. In beginning kinetic abilities the pitch is too high and can not manipulate much more then the smaller atomic particles. By raising the sound pressure you will be raising the density of the manipulation and its strength. A frequency is the number of repetitions of a wave in a complete sequence. A wave is the cycle itself and the pitch is the property that makes up the wave. You can lower a frequency when getting a volume increase, but not the other way around. You must increase the pitch volume, and the waves frequency. In Short: if an individual can produce or mimic a frequency they can then adopt the manipulation of that force, particle or material.
How would one know about the familiarity of the pitch?, I mean, as in identifying what element or force you could manipulate due to the emition of the pitch.
One who Inflicts pain cannot rest, but I won't have to worry about rest where I'm headed
From my personal experience you realize the pitch via what you’re are manipulating or adjusting not the other way around. And since our ears are normally unable to conceive let alone hear the pitches it would be more logical to assume the pitch by the mass, material or energy you are fluently or frequently manipulating.
can any one in here put this in lamance terms for those of us who no longer have the ability to stay awake in science class !!!!!!!!!! Besides from what i understand according to these scientific geniouses (WHICH BELIVE ME IS VERY LITTLE)!!!!! All kinesis' have to do with and/or is controlled whith the brain so if you have a brain(which i would hop you have)and dedicate enough time and research and practice you should be able to do it.Although it would be harder for those that did not recive some type of physical evidence of the gift or have a history of kinesis in your jean pool, I would still think you could preform the task using what i consider to be the rule of kinesis and life itself.MIND OVER MATTER or as my grandfather says IF YOU DON'T MIND IT DOESN'T MATTER.
Heheh, that post just made my day. Well, the terms are mainly related to physics, so looking up a few terms in a dictionary would help a lot. Although I'm quite curious on how you would use "the rule of kinesis ", heheh, Mind over matter doesn't quite sum up to the explanation of the rule itself, I had to highlight the text as well, might try using a brighter color next time?
One who Inflicts pain cannot rest, but I won't have to worry about rest where I'm headed
I just don't see why one can't learn the technique. If one tries hard enough Normaly one can overcome any task. Now about physics... I've only been through one year of highschool so don't expect me to know all the terms used in these post. And yes I know a dictionary would help but my mind was foucoused on something else at the time!!!!
yah y cant you just learn a technique why do you gave to be born with it is it because you dont have that energy in your brain? and what kind of energy is telepathy?
ya but i dont under stand wut she said that is confusing i dont know about via pitch so that just confused me i only know about some things but not that can you put it into english?
also, do you mean that in a cruel way cause it sounded like : r u evan reading wut we posted.
sry if i sound mad im not, im just curiouse ,i only post information on things i might know about and can help with or I have questions about it, i dont know wut the stuff like via pitch is so sorry if i ask to much questions or talk to much but the main reason i joined this website was for questions and try to help people.i have helped my friend on pyrokinesis. and i need help with my ability
Heh, luckily, cruelty had nothing to do with the previous posts, as you might've probably noticed, I've tried to help with whatever I can, and well, I'm afraid I cannot explain what Dewar said more thoroughly, but that's mainly because it's hard to do so, a pitch in this case would be a certain emition determined by the frequency of the waves producing it. All waves have their frequency and they tend to form sequences depending on how strong the pitch is to keep it going, or so I believe. I hope this helped even a little bit. And well, please notice that both Dewar and Sar spend time explaining this, imagine all the time they'd have to spend if they had to break down every word, they're busy with other posts as well, so take consience and try to pay attention to what they have to say, as they're offering their help and time with it. And well, a pitch is linked to a sound emitted by your body which could relate to/alter water for example, think of it like blowing air into a water container(wave patterns arouse due to the air), but from a body emition this time, so by practicing your abilities you'll be able to alter the water in larger amounts since the pitch will be lowered. I'm taking for a fact that since the frequency of the pitch will decrease with practice, it would have a higher impact, since when your pitch is too high you can't really alter water or any element who "recognizes" your emitted pitch. I tried breaking down Dewar's explanation a little bit, this is around the same and you'll probably be able to understand it a bit more.
-- Edited by Oblitteratus at 16:49, 2005-07-29
One who Inflicts pain cannot rest, but I won't have to worry about rest where I'm headed
hey by the way can you answer any of my questions on the telepathy page? hopefully you can help , so i understand your getting a hang of vibration? i know that was the reason i stopped trying astral projection, because i couldnt go into vibration.
so there are there ways to see what frequencies are in you? liek you said youre born with some and thats how some peopelc an do it but is theyre anyway of finding out?>
hmmm, I'm afraid the only way would be experiencing it, you'd need to notice a reaction from the elements around you, identify which element was it that familiarized to your pitch, and well, there you go. Although it'd be great if there was an easier way, but I don't think there is at the moment.
One who Inflicts pain cannot rest, but I won't have to worry about rest where I'm headed