We as human like to catalogue and pigeonhole refine and lock on singular targets so that we can then reproduce the same event i.e., TK. However to think you are only capable of the manipulation of one type of matter is in my opinion pigeonholing yourself boxing your abilities into the same framework society has trained you to think in, However taking the polymath (dictionary) approach to Telekinesis is to invoke the law of uncertainty therefore unlocking ones pure potentiality of the infinite processing power of the subconscious. A subconscious that can regulate your entire biosystem without your scrutiny a processing capacity capable of orchestrating all your muscles in your legs when you will yourself to run with no scrutiny. Mathematics teaches us that when you give yourself only one variable you limit the ability to get lots of results however. Simultaneous equations teach us that for any equation (in this instance a telekinetic event) adding more than one variable there is an infinite number of solutions. That means that when you approach Tk with a sort of detached Zen awareness you cease to cut yourself off from all the available variables that can make your desire (TK) come true. Be it wind water heat radiation your subconscious will find the most efficient way to make the kinetic (movement) happen. I dont want to offend the many specialists here i.e. Aeros, chronos, aquas but you just dont realize how special you are. Stop putting limitations on your abilities and embrace the ability to be limitless. This is the true creed of the Psi embrace the divinity within remember who you are and who the people are around you. We are all. Shirak (RyTyHaLeeVi)
I definately completely agree, no doubt. But! For me, while I believe this to be true, I think for many of us, rather than pidgeonholing ourselves, we're focusing on what we prefer, what we are interested in. If another subset comes into our interests, then there's no reason why we couldn't/shouldn't pursue it to the same level as previously-attempted subsets.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
I have been finding more and more in the last week that factoring uncertainty with one pointed intention and detacched awareness allows me to access tk abilities with more ease