Now i dont mean levitation like you see mindfreak doing all the time. I mean actually flying, like high in the air,((like nathan petrelli in heroes)). Maybe it wouldnt be flying per say, maybe it could be advanced aerokinesis.Im saying this because lately i had a "future dream" of mine and i was flying.Maybe some1 here knows any tips or if it is even possible?
I wholeheartedly believe so. I feel like I belong in the air, I have for two years now. I look up into clouds and I see pure bliss. I promised myself and my destiny that I'd be in the air in a decade. I feel it so intensely that in my mind there is no doubt that a person can fly. In what form and how specifically I don't know yet. But it definately borrows heavily on aerokinetics. Telekinetics could obviously devise their own way of flying, but its a different method of propulsion. In fact flying (non-tk) might actually be closer to gliding. And before that even, falling with style :d
My plan is to start with becoming a certified sky-diver, toying with that for a few years, then go after base jumping, and from there I can't predict what will happen. I just feel it inside me and all around me. I can see it everywhere I look outside. But there are no tips. Something this massive and monumental, it's completely outside the realm of norm and no person at this point can tell you anything remotely close to "tips". As far as I can tell, unless there's someone else out there farther along than I am, and has a higher connection with the wind than I do, I will, quite possibly, be the first. But that's not a challenge or anything.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Beautifully put archaeum. I would love to sky dive someday soon but im only 14 so i dont think that will be any time soon.But I truly do believe people can fly, i dont know i have this weird feeling like i've done it before and know that i can do it but i just dont feel "ready" for it.Since i lost my abilities, i've been trying to gain them back and fix my social life with all my friends, and somehow i truly want to fly, yet if its hard to gain back my atmokinesis, imagine flying.But still i try to fly and i always close my eyes, while riding my bike down a hill, and imagine soaring through the skies.And i truly know and feel that someday i will fly.
Try learning control of gravity too, I bet if that was strong enough it could help a ton with flight, but as you said tele users can develop their own way of flying.
It happend like a week or 2 ago.It wus weird cuz in the dream me and my little brother were flying (i know my little brother doesn't have powers) and it wus pretty hard to fly.I had to get running starts and sometimes i would only levitate in the air a bit not actually fly. And sometimes i did fly and i was pretty high in the air, and it felt great.
I've had several flying dreams in the past year, and the most recent one was the most detailed. It was semi lucid and I could feel the control I had over air. In the dream my technique to fly was to (usually) get a running start with my arms trailing behind, then bring my hands forward and use them to push air to the sides and behind, like swimming underwater, and push off with my legs at the same time. There was no true point of propulsion that I can remember, but rather more like moving as the air itself. I can still remember what it felt and looked like just as clearly as when i first woke up.
Strangely, I haven't had any dreams where I hovered at all.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
recently I had a dream I was able to fly and now thinkin back on the dream I got the power from a friend of mine who in my dream apparently was able to fly at first it was hard to control it and i was flippin in different directions in the air then after a while i got the hang of it and i flew pretty high it was a weird sensation it felt like i was like pushing the gravitational force away from me and sence gravity wasnt affecting me i was able to move my self around just by thinking my self in the direction well it was more of a willing my self in that direction.
And another thing happened to me recently with the whole power thing for a while i wasnt able to read minds then one day in the car i asked my mom a question then i thought about reading her mind and i was able to get the answear but it was sort of invoulenttary so i guess i might need to be in a close vicinty of that person because thats how it was in my dream i couldnt fly until he got close to me.
So maybe you guys flying is easier than you think but you are just taking it in to much of a literal way and using aerokinesis might actually be an easier method.
Also I was wondering if an Aerokinetic could manipulate wind to carry sound waves and hear something at a whispered level?
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Sound waves traveling through the air are easily disturbed, and when you can barely hear something in the first place, trying to facilitate the wave towards you to hear it better will probably result in a loss of amplitude or diminished frequency, rather than actually amplifying it. But I suppose with enough training and knowledge in sound engineering and other related things, one could accomplish that. Even moreso, actually generating sound around them, and at that point you could walk around with some deep, synthy menacing tone around you, and be a badass :P
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Ok I have a few theories to how flying migt be acchieved tell me how they sound
1) Push gravity away from you. If one could find out a way to force gravity away from them or decrease it on them they could acheive flight.
2) In science class we learnt about how the faster things move the more they can resist gravity so if we could a cause all the particles in our body to acclerate fast enough we could resist gravity and fly(that sort of ties with number one) or sence enrgy is particles focusing a large amount of energy either around us or in our lower body and acclerating it we could propel off the ground.
These both are shortened versions of what I had came up with in the first place so they might sound a little bit weird.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
but uve forgotten enstiens theory E=MC squared the faster an object goes the more mass or weight (cant remember) it gets and so the more energy u need 2 overcome that weight ect
To Shed A Tear To All That Is Lost And Cannot Be Found For Everything That Cannot Be Rewritten And For A love lost Blind
You'd have to accellerate your particles to the point of something close to sub-luminal ( something near "just below the speed of light"). But even light can be affected by gravity if there is enough mass acting against it, the most extreme example being black holes. And yes, Dawkins makes a good few points. And on top of all of what he said, accellerating that fast would cause your body to crumple under the g-forces bearing down on our fragile little bodies without some sort of protection field technology that, at this point in time, would be considered science fiction. Accelleration is not the answer, but repulsion, a la anti-gravity, is, in regards to manipulating gravity to achieve human flight.
Air is just an alternative form of said repulsion, but instead of repulsing gravitons or whatever away from you, air is pushed both down and away to give lift and thrust powerful enough to suspend and glide in mid-air. Stability is another story. Humans are not designed with aerodynamics in mind. And while we might use our hands and arms, that is not enough (think of tail-fins on an airplane. those aren't there for show).
This is obvious stuff, but it's gotta be said for clarification.
-- Edited by archaeum at 00:39, 2007-11-01
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
0r maybe if u master telekinesis u could move yourself higher and fly? And mastered aerokinesis WILL result in flight because if u mastered aerokinesis, you could make a path of wind, or a current, in the air and move yourself through it, and as you "fly" u make the path and make the twists and turns, or you can make the path out before you fly and, hell, fall asleep while your gliding through the air.
A master of anythin will result in complete control. That's a damn given. We're not really there yet now are we? Stop thinkin about all that mastery rubbish and think of things on the way; strategise! Sure you could say, "Oh, a master could do this," or "a master could do that". But that don't help one bit. To be perfectly honest there's not much point in any of this, I mean think about it. Does saying any of this help us at all?I for one feel like I should just stop sayin and just do it. Don't that sound like a better idea than tryin to explain what we *could* do rather than go and find out what we *can* do and figure that **** out later? Eh.
(p.s. I'm on a british binge, forgive the stylised language :P)
-- Edited by archaeum at 09:46, 2007-11-02
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
2) I think alot of our incapability to do things is because of our mind because I talked to my mom and she has more abilities than what I at first knew one of which is Chronokinesis(she didnt use the exact term) but she can manipulate time and apparently she teleported before on multiple occasions and how she described it was complex, but after talking to her I now am sure that their is a ton of things besides just kinetic abilities theirs abilities that some people have that you can never train your self to do.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Your right,The_Fifth_Star, but what if those abilities you speak of are gained because of an experience the person finds "freeing" ~ for example, you go sky diving one day, next day u feel like you can fly, and u start levitating a bit. and archaeum ur also right, i dont want to talk of how to do things, i just want to do it. We just want to fly, not speak of how we did it.
Im not going to say thats not possible at all because it is very much possible. And the one tip I can give for anything you are trying is dont try to do it by thinkinh about doing it just do it thats how my mom explained her powers to me she never thinks about doing it or how they work she just does them and her Telepathy ability is beyond anything I could imagine she can read thoughts from across the world I find it very intresting though of the things she can do but I was never aware until my ability started to present itself.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
I didnt even know about everything until I told my mom about how I kept getting all these random emotions and stuff and actually only 2 people in my family have a kinetic ability my dad is electrokinetic and my mom is Atmokinetic and Chronokitic she also has alot of other abilities she can talk to dead people "confuse people" look at someone and tell there past present and future see auras read minds and she told me she was able to time travel most of these i have witnessed except the time travel. My brother, sisters, neices, and nephew all have abilities that arnt kinetic (my mother can tell abilities) for example my neice has the ability to basically create mental illusions but being as shes only 5 she isnt aware of doing it but my mom told me to help my neices and nephew train their abilities once they are older.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
well in my opinion i would say yeah, because at a young age we are tought not 2 beleave in certian things like ghosts super powers, becaus this is waht people would call normal, most of the things on this board arent normal 2 many! other people out there, in that manner they would call us freaks, so beleave in whatever u want, it dosent matter hwat any1 says, anythings posiable, but i bet u guys alredy knew that lol
U GUYS FORGOT THE SUBJECT ON HOW 2 FLY! lol but well before i ask this umm wats the strongest winds some1 has like used in aerokinesis? (if u can create strong winds)
For me? Mostly 5-10mph, sometimes up to 15mph, and with varying durations. But I've been in a POWERFUL windstorm during which I was able to connect with gusts up to, what was it, 60mph? Something close. That was an isolated incident, though. I need more storms :P
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Actually, not so much control these days. I settled in to a carefree life, and I've been getting lazy the past several months. But about maybe 5 months ago I had reasonable novice control. I'd either cull a breeze or I'd take a weak breeze and amplify it, usually on the spot with a few seconds downtime tops between the will and the effect.
Nowadays though, I've kinda lost touch with it. I'll come back around though.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Thrust from the jet engines propel the plane forward. As the plane moves through the air, the wings create lift because of their shape, forcing the air down, and thust keeping the plane in the sky.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.