i stoped posting things about a year ago and also stoped praticing... how would i start learning telekinesis agian? i never had time and never had enouf information 2 continue please help
my 3 brothers, dad, step mom the fact that i might get kicked outta the house, dont know where 2 go need a job 2 many things at 1 time how would som 1 concentrate with things like that goin through his head? those are some of many distractions
There's a personal lifeskill i think everyone should have. it's called tuning the world out. not in the sense of ignoring it, but making your mind behave in such a way that even though it can hear all of these so-called distractions, it remains focused on the task-at-hand. People with ADD know this more commonly as "hyperfocus". Harder to do if you don't have ADD, I guess. But it's very very possible. Nothing extravagant really, it's just like adjusting your vision to notice certain colors more, or trying to listen to a faint noise over a lot of interference.
Basically you have to go into some practice sessions determined to achieve this state and thus let yourself have a free environment to think in. As long as it is your goal, you have a very good chance of being able to ignore it. Just say to yourself for the moment that, "none of it matters except this psywheel [or whatever] in front of me. that's all there is right now. just me, and my goal."
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
It can be tricky sometimes. Methods vary from person to person, but I personally believe that there are things in your life that point to your natural affinity in some way or another. For me, my lofty personality, intelligence, wordyness, and dorkiness pointed to aero. I've only realized that in retrospect after I realized air was my affinity.
I believe everyone has an alignment with something in their life, be it with the four cardinal dynamic elements, the static forces (i.e. electricity, gravity, strong & weak forces, etc.), or telekinesis. When you're involved in your affinity (even if you realize it or not), like being near it, surrounded by it, or even just thinking about it, you should feel generally happier or more satisfied than you usually do in your daily life. Try and see if there's anything in your life that could sound like that, or just go through each element/force and really just mull it over and take it in to see which affects you the most.
That doesn't really apply to telekinesis though. All the other children of PK are related to forces or elements that lie beyond just what you see. Telekinesis, however, is more rooted in what you can observe, be it alteration of probability or moving an object. Regardless, the connection is different from all the other PK abilities, because instead of feeling a connection with a dynamic force like an element or a static/constant force like electricity, you feel a connection with the object in (your local) space. That connection comes in a few different flavors, but I think the most common is when you can literally feel the object's presence without actually seeing, hearing, or touching it.
It's kinda hard to explain, but if you work at each one, I'm sure you'll find yours.
Bear in mind that while everyone has one natural affinity, they can learn absolutely any and all abilities with a bit more work. But it won't ever be as strong as your natural connection.
Unless you neglect your connection, in which case I'll have to call you an idiot. :P
P.S. did you mean atmo- when you said automo? That sounds like automotikinesis, the power to manipulate vehicles!
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
Natural afinity? hmm,i like fire and elettricity but i cant realy tell, i havent been around fire that much, and it barely thunder storms here. but at the same time when i tried electrokinesis it fealt like i was actualy getting somewhere instead of pyro, wish som 1 could just tell me, its proly the compleet oppisite of fire and eletricity, everyone has a natural affinity right? what if you never find out?
No one can really tell you. But like I said, if you really don't know, then read up on the scientific aspects of each kinesis. In example, if you wanted to see if electro was your affinity, then go read up on electrons and how a piece of circuitry works, and see if it really interests you. If not, move on to the next one. But also bear in mind that just because you can be interested in it doesn't necessarily mean that it's your affinity. I think it's supposed to be stronger than that. But I'm sure you'll find it. How old are you, by the way?
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
i just urned 18 last month, im thinking its electro, because ive always been good with electronics and when i was a kid alway liked 2 take a 9 volt batery and put my tongue on it so it couls shock me XD even tho it dosent hurt
ask around, use the http://www.dewarlorx.com/electrokinesis.htm page, and do some research. wikipedia is a good place to start from, but you can find info on electricity and electrons and circuitry everywhere.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
tou could use rage as a factor it helped me with EK but my actuall method is very dangerous but if you dont care visuallized your anger at a specific person and then imagine you killing them with telekinesis but be careful when you do this because anger is a very driving emotion but its one of the most effective it works better on a actual person (no i have not did it) but a dummy works to.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
To other people because you could possibly hurt the person if the are within a close close distance of you and yeah in EK when I was often mad and started think about the person it would get me even madder and then I would start to feel electricty going through my hand it was weak but it was enough to make the hair on my hands go up, but then again every perosn has different things that work for them.
On a random note I would like to see someone thats advanced enough in Telekinesis to move people and hell even giant trucks.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well not exactly project your anger onto it just use it more as a motivator, but yea if you do it like that you should be able to control it, but since telekinesis is a more exterior ability i would be careful of course everyone is different so.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Well i wouldnt call myself an electrokinetic persay because i can do other things as well but I mainly focus on EK as far as the lightning hitting you I couldnt say because I never practiced outside directly, but I have noticed that EK becomes easier for me during nearby lightning storms due to the electrons floating around
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
I started it kinda accidentally alotta weird things happened to me that were related to electronics and i cant really use electro magnetism yet im just gettin to the point where i can create sparks on my hands but small ones and no i cant summon thunderstorms thats more AtK related. I find my progress in Ek to be well since im hassled with school sports and a slew of other abilities as well as one of my own that I discovered which is really hard for me to work with.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
Its pretty easy to describe it. I just copy the abilities of other people how it works I hav no frickin clue so ive been trying to think back to when i first showed the different abilities I copied. The little I know is that I do it uncounsiously and that I uncounsiously use the abilities at any givin time but Ive been working on using some counsiously. the abilities are Telepathy, Healing, Pyrokinesis, and Empathy. I even know some of the people I got these from Telepathy my mom who is a big time telepath and im talkin instanstly can pick anything up from anyone on and off, Healing from my sister, Pyrokinesis from either my cousin or my nephew its hard to determine which one since they both exhibited acts of pyrokinesis although ive seen my nephew first hand. Empathy i dont know yet. When I use the ability uncounsiously I automatically know wut im using i just get this weird feeling and then afterwards I get serious headaches especially with the Telepathy.
I first noticed the ability about a month or 2 ago after my mother told me that she could read minds then after a series of mental questions i finally belived her, but before that when ever i would get tired or such i would start hearing things that boredered between whispers and talking it was weird but it sounded different from when you hear people normally talking. Afterwards I started thinking back to when I was young and my sister would like touch people then the next day they would come back and be fine and one day my mom told me that my sister had the ability to heal people of course i was 8 so i didnt know what the hell she was talking about but some time later a few weeks ago i was in football practice and i had got really sleepy but i didnt wanna go to sleep and suddenly i heard the thoghhts of everybody in the room(we were having a meeting and everyone had to be silent) and afterwards i got the heaches i usualy get after performing them uncounsiously and now counsiously but it was alot worst.
So thats pretty much my ability that I have no idea how the hell it works only that i just get really bad headaches when their used but im getting better at using telepathy and healing. I just know it has to be genetic because i thought of all the different ways i could use a kinetic abilty or multiple ones to produce my ability and none came.to mind although i did come up with a bunch of other cool things someone could do such as using sonokinesis to amplify there hearing etc. There is really no other explanation other than its something in me either genes or my brain im goin with genes cause my family is pretty weird as it is already. Me probly being the weirdest next to my mom.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
what about your dad? and umm shuld i start with this teq?------->
Electrokinesis Tech 2: The easiest time to do it is when you're laying in bed before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice. Try to do all these things one after another or mix them. Visualize it running up say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get sometimes that go up the screen. Then after that, visualize it sparking and even arcing out of your finger tips and hands. Try to feel the sparks the best you can, sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel wierd if you try to move them. Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a while...eventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity or round dot size sparks or both.
just somthing i came cacross on the net is this right?
idk much about my dad the only thngs i know is that he was rly good at baseball and he was a rly good mechanic. I do not know if he exhibited any "abnormal" powers, but its a possibility he has some, but i doubt it because i would probly have copied it, but then again if someof my other theories on my power is right i dont neccasarily have to have had copied it.
I read about that EK technique ive tried it aloong with another method and it seemed to work because afterwards i was able to see sparks on my hand they were tiny ones and lasted about 2 seconds. I think though that i may have been able to recharge my gameboy's battery because it was dieing red and then i took a break from playing it to charge up for EK then i figured o hell why not try to charge my battery and in a few minutes it was green, but then i couldnt perform EK for a bit.
You tell me to stop caring, but if it was that easy I would
so would this technique give any major results besides 2 second fait jolts? and is there a way that an electrokinetic can shoot electricity? also how long would it take me to have results with that technique?
results as in the tingle fealing? or visable sparks on the first try? and i tried last night and got that electric fealing in my hand, also on most of the sites i see it says jus shoot the electricity, how would you do that i dun get it?