Hi, I'm new here and I'm pretty much into everything that ends with "kinesis" but mostly telekinesis, electrokinesis and biokinesis. So I have a random question : do you think it is actually possible to change the color of your eyes or of your hair if you're biokinetic ? Cuz technically, biokinesis is manipulating DNA and everything so I guess it could be possible for someone very experimented... What do you guys think ?
Im new as well I can understand what hydro might have to do with.. aero.. etc..but bio?
The thing I can do easiest is create and end rain, create clouds, tornadoes if I want (but don't want) lessen hurricanes and some control over wind. What are the exact terms for these abilities. Im curious who coined the words as well.
If biokinesis is manipulating DNA is sounds very similar to an extraterrestrial healing methodology that is taught and I have used before...
Do you want to change colors? Sounds interesting!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein
Hi You can create and end rain ? That's cool, I've been trying too but I'm too lazy (I have a psiwheel in my room that I haven't practiced in months ) How long have you been practicing all those abilities ? Or did they naturally appear ? And about changing colors, yeah it seems to be possible as I've read so in another topic from another website. Some people got their eyes color go from dark brown to light gold, so it seemed interesting to me and I'm actually trying everynight (it's been a month and the guy said one would get results after one month and one week approximatively) Okay I hope you'll come back on that topic so that you see what I wrote Bybye