i feel like i have abandon my electrokinesis for dumber purpososes ive come from doing electokinetic exercises everyday to allmost never and when i do think about doing them i end up either hanging out with a friend or getting side tracked with stress i have alot of things going threw my head alot of thoughts its come to where i cant even get any sleep thats why im righting this at 334am . i want to be able to perform at least some form of electrokinesis i dont care if i can see it its just i wanna feel it i was able too when i was dedicaded but now toooo much has come tot interfer and i wish i never let it i know most people say kinesis are useless unless you show off but for me its too prove that some how my mind too me is trufully powerfull i know i dont need to know but itll make me comfortable. now if any could help me with ideas how to start a good going routine and exercises for electrokinesis itll be purhaps bring some balance. and of course any advice will be taken greatly thank you.