I can't really. Never progressed beyond the psiwheel. I spend more time outside. Interestingly enough, for me, aerokinesis skipped the indoor control part. Which, I know sounds like a "Oh well then if you can't do it inside then how do you know you're doing it at all??" kind of thing. But really, I have some control outside. Not sure of the best way to capture that kind of thing. I mean document it. But anyway back to telekinesis. Psiwheel for me. I don't practice enough to do anything with it. I can't push or drag, or bend for that matter. And I certainly can't lift. Can only will the wheel to spin at very low but steady speeds. :P
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
yah i guess if you had a video camera you could capture some interesting things.. but then still people would be like "ohhhh..... you just knew when the wind was coming." people suckkk
But really, it was hard to figger out the difference for me between precognition of the wind, and manipulation of the wind. I had to know what I was doing, first lol. Of course it also dawned on me that it could be some combination of both...I don't know...Quantum physics is annyoing :P
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.
I can, and if you have great scientific knowledge it is helpful in odd fields like, oh say, nuclear fission and fusion. (Wouldn't recommend that for most people though.)