Always and absolutely. I've had that problem myself on many occasions because of school-related stress. I'd try the psywheel and it felt like nothing was "there". No connection, no possibility that it was going to work that time. And other times I'd go outside, and again I felt no connection, which really made me feel sad, I mean it's the wind we're talking about! I love the wind! Anyway, I tried to calm down the next few days and clear my mind, as well as actually getting my school problems squared away so they didn't bother me, and things were back to normal.
Stress affects the entire body and mind, and if you let it go on long enough, your soul. Try to relax if you're under stress. Things should go back to normal.
Let it be known that what we are has never changed; we have always been this way.
Our capacity for anything is a birthright, but that knowledge is a priviledge.